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888Poker's New Re-Entry Feature - More Chances to Play and Win!

Tags: 888poker.
Posted on 10 August 2023 by "T".

Players have asked for it, waited for it, and now it's here - the highly-anticipated Tournament Re-Entry Feature has finally arrived at the 888poker tables!

Many have surely experienced that untimely defeat or have been through a situation where you're not ready to bust out of an event.

Good news! Now you will be able to re-enter a tournament where you've been eliminated - right up until the end of the registration period, including late reg!

Re-entry Feature at 888poker

How to use the re-entry feature?

It's fairly easy to get in on this new feature on 888poker.

  1. After you have busted out of a tournament, a pop-up will appear.
  2. Click the RE-ENTER button to rejoin a tournament.
  3. Continue playing!

With more opportunities than ever before to play a tournament, you will have more chances to turn that buy-in into a big payday!

Of course, losing all of your chips early in an event is never a nice feeling, but now you can try to make a comeback thanks to 888poker's latest Re-Entry Feature.

See you at the tables!



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93 comments on "888Poker''s New Re-Entry Feature - More Chances to Play and Win!"

Displaying only the 25 latest comments. To view all comments, please visit the forum thread:
» 888Poker''s New Re-Entry Feature - More Chances to Play and Win!

 geseco1203/09/2023 04:16:19 GMT
is a good way to be able to always be playing these tournaments, there are always players who get very far and even win the tournament with up to three re-entries, that's why in poker anything can happen.
 CALICUL03/09/2023 08:26:37 GMT
it is good when a country has very acceptable taxes for players. Many countries do not have this luck and the taxes are very high. The lucky ones are few because the taxes are very low.
 geseco1204/09/2023 04:26:19 GMT
that's right, in all countries the taxes on these games are very different, and there are countries like the UK that pay no taxes at all, a great way to support the player.
 dule-vu04/09/2023 05:06:14 GMT
Taxes with this thread have nothing, its about re entry, so stop spamming!
 geseco1205/09/2023 18:18:12 GMT
you're right, but I've commented on that because later on this topic has been addressed, but of course, this thread is to talk about the re-entry for tournaments that 888poker has just implemented.
 dule-vu05/09/2023 18:22:59 GMT
4 pages...
 FeuerbaX06/09/2023 18:20:52 GMT
good. better late than never.
 dule-vu06/09/2023 18:55:47 GMT
If you say so!
 geseco1206/09/2023 19:52:37 GMT
a great way to be able to keep playing when you get eliminated from a poker tournament, plus there are a lot of great games and you want to keep playing sometimes, 888poker has done a great thing for the community.
 dule-vu06/09/2023 19:54:01 GMT
Did you used this option? 4 pages and still about re entry!
 geseco1208/09/2023 01:01:35 GMT
Of course I do, I use this option every day, I am always playing small tournaments and sometimes I like to re-buy when I see that I like the tournament, that's why I am always commenting here because it is a great option that 888poker just added.
 Fer897308/09/2023 02:32:40 GMT
I just hope 888Poker improve his loyalty program.
 dule-vu08/09/2023 05:10:29 GMT
Yeah geseco you pay for re entry every day, but you must earn 50 points on forum every day, yeah right!
 geseco1209/09/2023 01:37:47 GMT
That's what we're here for, isn't it? apart from earning money we can inform ourselves of what's happening in the world of online gaming, it's also an incredible site to grow as a player.
 dule-vu09/09/2023 05:46:00 GMT
And what to say more about this news? Nothing! One month old news!
 Mimsun09/09/2023 18:48:39 GMT
Thank you!
 dule-vu09/09/2023 18:53:56 GMT
This happen when somebody write just for cashout
 geseco1210/09/2023 01:58:16 GMT
We are all here to earn money in one way or another, besides informing us of what is happening in the world of gaming worldwide, do not try to comment on things that makes no sense.
 dule-vu10/09/2023 04:50:46 GMT
End of story and whole thread that is old for 1 month!
 ZayacVovan10/09/2023 13:15:32 GMT
It's a pity that they left Russia. Excellent room
 dule-vu10/09/2023 13:16:22 GMT
He,he, you just won sundays lottery and fast to write 5 posts Smile
 geseco1211/09/2023 02:44:48 GMT
this thread is already very old, I hope you are not commenting anymore so this will stop now, it was a great move by 888poker for their users, so good luck and this will be put to an end.
 dule-vu11/09/2023 05:05:29 GMT
Aww crap!
 geseco1212/09/2023 03:16:28 GMT
don't be angry, when I say you should stop commenting you should comply, don't stop sending any smilies because that makes others comment, so this thread should be closed by now and I don't want any replies.
 dule-vu12/09/2023 04:56:33 GMT
You are donk ! Not a single word about thread, just long post to collect 10 points! What mor...

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