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Mobile Poker?  0   
Soon i gonna be for 5 days on vacation, just a short break in Holland.
With gf and kiddo relaxing, swimming ect, basicly doin nothing yeah Smile

But, 5 days without poker is a bit long for me so i was wondering is there any pokerroom for mobile phones? I know there was pokerroom in the past but if i am right that room is busted (not sure).

I cant for sure run PKR on my mobile so thats no option.

And for the dutch how does this ''dommel'' works?
Maybe i cud buy that for my laptop and run PKR with mobile internet.
I wanted to do this in the past but was too expensiv ect...
Wot are the costs ect....

Maybe you guys cud help me Smile


I am not quite sure, U better google it.
BUt as far as U mean dommel or Dongle (in UK) or mobile inet, i have it too when I go.
It's handay and prolly the best soliution, BUTTTTTT, make sure u read T&C or see what the costs are from ur provider coz that can be sometimes of a big surprise, since they usually lzt U pay for X giga upstream / downstream.

Liv ftw Heart


There are soo many providers, but this differs from country to country.
Most prices go between 5€-25€.
It's all a matter of how much U spent online per day.

1GB or 10GB makes a difference

But lets say U take a subscription for 1GB, and U exceed ur limit, they charge U like a ton.

So sometimes its better to go for the higher price and the hhigher bandwitdh to make sure u dont get any surprises by the end of the month

Edited by Flangel (12 September 2009 @ 17:32 GMT)

Yeh i googled, there are many offering mobile poker.
Maybe some1 have allready experienced this and can giv a review?
I will check my provider again for dommel T&C.

Is a laptop with an UMTS connection an option? Def better than any try with the small mobile phone displays.

Posted by shokaku:
Is a laptop with an UMTS connection an option? Def better than any try with the small mobile phone displays.

Yeh offcourse an option then i cud play PKR Smile
But umts/laptop sry i am a donk in that, just buy usb/umts sometin like that Confused
How does it work?


Playing poker when on vacation with your family ? Why the hell would you want to do that ?

Posted by Davoodoo:

Playing poker when on vacation with your family ? Why the hell would you want to do that ?

Cos i like poker?
Dunno wots wrong with that?

You need an UMTS modem, either a PC card or one with an USB connection. And an provider, that gives you access to the inet. Usually you can get this in a bundle.

Well, i checked on the net, its all 1 year minimum Sad

Posted by doomdy:
Well, i checked on the net, its all 1 year minimum Sad

Where is the problem?

Just go on vacation for the whole year. Blink

I found this one:


Costs Euro 59 for usb/umts stick.
Costs a day: Euro 0 too Max Euro 4,50.

This is kinda cheap right?

Define Max?


Liv ftw Heart

Posted by Flangel:
Define Max?


Liv ftw Heart

Costs a day: Euro 0,30/MB Max Euro 4,50.
3,6 MB/sec.

hmm mobile poker ? u mean as play on9 poker with ur hp ? are we that advance already ? Shock

Posted by doomdy:
Posted by Flangel:
Define Max?


Liv ftw Heart

Costs a day: Euro 0,30/MB Max Euro 4,50.
3,6 MB/sec.

Allright, thats fair enuff, altho, I wud check PKR or ask support or even find people that already played via mobile on PKR.
I have no clue for this one, but I know its a pretty tough software, and U might experience Lags .

Just make sure thats not a problem so u can play smoothly.

Liv ftw Heart

Posted by doomdy:
I found this one:


Costs Euro 59 for usb/umts stick.
Costs a day: Euro 0 too Max Euro 4,50.

This is kinda cheap right?

This is more what i expected. Traffic for poker is usually not that high. PKR with its exessive graphics may need more.

I have a pendrive for connection I paid about €70 and can use it with all mobile phone companies, and I got a telephone card I put in the pen and actually pay €15 monthly for 100 hours of UMTS connection; every months I can choose to pay or not do it.

Have an holiday in Italy and I would explain the details Big Smile

i don't understand why you want to play some poker when you are on a holiday ? the tables will still be there when you are back !!!

Posted by mrnugger:
i don't understand why you want to play some poker when you are on a holiday ? the tables will still be there when you are back !!!

1. Addicted
2. Bored moments maybe somtimes?
3. I bet its because of the other Reload bonus he got to clear it Blink

Liv ftw Heart

Posted by doomdy:
Soon i gonna be for 5 days on vacation, just a short break in Holland.


C'mon, it's just for 5 days. Take a rest and the chance to visit new places.
When you come back you will have so much time to play.

That's my advice Big Smile

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