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PokerStars: Ever heard of WBCOOP?

Tags: pokerstars, scoop, tournament, WBCOOP.
Posted on 21 January 2010 by "T".

It's once again time for another World Blogger Championship of Online Poker at the world's largest poker site, PokerStars. This time, the preliminary tournaments of WBCOOP will run between January 25 - 30, 2010. The most interesting event, A.K.A. the Main Event, will be played on January 31.

What is WBCOOP?
World Blogger Championship of Online Poker (WBCOOP) started 5 years ago and it's a tournament where verified bloggers from all over the world can play against each other. It's totally free to take part in the preliminary tournaments for verified bloggers, and prizes such as tickets to Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP - $30,000,000 guaranteed by PokerStars) are up for grabs.

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16 comments on "PokerStars: Ever heard of WBCOOP?"

 Davoodoo21/01/2010 10:48:07 GMT

Those short names (WBCOOP) for pokertournaments only get harder and harder to say Big Smile
 dozn0121/01/2010 12:55:10 GMT
i feel a headache coming on Agree
 LaBaiz21/01/2010 14:45:39 GMT
Yeah i agree about the short names of the tounaments, if more sites other than fulltilt and pokerstars will make such tourneys then it will be hard to remember which one is which
 Joe_Average21/01/2010 15:42:48 GMT
And I was just about to organize the WCPBRMFU; the World Championship of Poker for BankRollMob Forum Users Big Smile
 SuperNoob21/01/2010 19:40:48 GMT
nice tournament to promote blogging by poker pros.
Posted by Joe_Average
And I was just about to organize the WCPBRMFU; the World Championship of Poker for BankRollMob Forum Users

lol thts hard to remember
 vallychelu1421/01/2010 23:15:09 GMT
I am an amateur so let professionals
 pmgignac22/01/2010 06:00:05 GMT
nice prizes
il give it a look thanks for the S(WB)COOP lol
 oliver08229822/01/2010 08:23:05 GMT
i have a pokerstars account on pokerstars but i havent heard about this tournament... will at least im just a new blogger...
 ZmxPowah23/01/2010 14:59:15 GMT
Blogger mean someone with a blog?
Tried to look at the net about that word and only that translation was found...
But if it is right where do people need to have that Blog Tongue...
Or blogger is anyone at Poker Stars platform? (i am thinking like that after reading posts etc).
Could anyone anserw me? ;>
 Plexo23/01/2010 19:40:10 GMT
Prizes are awesome. Unfortunatly I don't have an active blog and you can't take part of this without having and active blog, at least, 2 months old.

I think I will have to create a blog and wait till next year to participate ahhahaha.
 DAGOR23/01/2010 23:24:09 GMT
Hello everybody!
Indeed it is tempting to create a small blog to participate.
Otherwise I suggest to create another event.
The World Poker Tour For Anyone Who Love Very Long Name Aww crap!

A soon to post again lol! Big Smile
 oll1e99923/01/2010 23:33:04 GMT
Posted by DAGOR:
Hello everybody!
Indeed it is tempting to create a small blog to participate.
Otherwise I suggest to create another event.
The World Poker Tour For Anyone Who Love Very Long Name Aww crap!

A soon to post again lol! Big Smile

me love it long time
 GabeKaplan31/01/2010 07:54:19 GMT
i saw that tourney but unfortently you had to be blogging for a few months, pokerstars hasent been treating freerolls as good as 2008, oh well
 Fackinas31/01/2010 09:48:33 GMT
Posted by Davoodoo:

Those short names (WBCOOP) for pokertournaments only get harder and harder to say Big Smile

LOL Big SmileDD nice joke
 Airas10/03/2010 12:29:07 GMT
no haven't heard.
 lecorbu10/03/2010 12:50:38 GMT
Posted by Joe_Average:
And I was just about to organize the WCPBRMFU; the World Championship of Poker for BankRollMob Forum Users Big Smile

nice idea!!!!
5k freeroll for alls the fishes here!

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