BankrollMob Poker News


€400 Freeroll at KickOffPoker - BRM Exclusive

Tags: BankrollMob, Exclusive, Freeroll, KickOffPoker.
Posted on 26 January 2010 by "K".

KickOffPoker FreerollKickOffPoker would like to reach out to BankrollMob members and get some new players for their site. To convince you into signing up with them, they will offer you free access to a €400 freeroll on February 4th, exclusive for BankrollMob members! There's no strings attached or hidden requirements. All you have to do, is CLICK HERE to create an account at KickOffPoker and you will automatically be registered for the €400 freeroll.

Besides the €400 freeroll, KickOffPoker also offers you a €1000 first deposit bonus - and even better - up to 45% rakeback!


  • Tourney name: KickOffPoker €400
  • Date & time: February 4th, 19:00 GMT (20:00 CET)
  • Registration: All players who create a new account before February 4th 14:00 GMT will automatically be registered for the freeroll.
  • Requirements: Only new accounts created through this link - CLICK HERE - will be eligible for the freeroll.

The freeroll will be visible in the lobby February 1st.

Good luck, Mobsters!

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59 comments on "€400 Freeroll at KickOffPoker - BRM Exclusive"

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» €400 Freeroll at KickOffPoker - BRM Exclusive

 Fackinas03/02/2010 17:55:39 GMT
Great freeroll, how much ppl ussually regg?
 Administrator03/02/2010 19:19:48 GMT
Posted by Fackinas:
Great freeroll, how much ppl ussually regg?

This is the first time, so it's hard to say. But as I wrote elsewhere, I expect this freeroll will be very valuable for those new kickoffpoker players signing up before tomorrow afternoon, through the link provided here at BankrollMob.
 liidas03/02/2010 22:34:53 GMT
I did this and registred an account and so on but when i try to join the tournament is ju sais the the tournament is restricted but i should have acces:S anybody now why?
 nutcards04/02/2010 00:34:19 GMT
you will automatically be registered for the €400 freeroll.
 djo104/02/2010 08:14:09 GMT
admin, what about fixing the prize structure?
 Administrator04/02/2010 09:09:25 GMT
Posted by djo1:
admin, what about fixing the prize structure?

What do you mean?
 lolas2k504/02/2010 10:11:51 GMT
is it just for me that the tournament has 0 players registred? cant se that anyone has registred for the tournament not even me.. maybe its like that for all?
 tedinho9104/02/2010 10:37:58 GMT
i cannot download the software poker..can anyone help me to send the **removed email - contact kickoffpoker support if you have problems! /admin**
 Administrator04/02/2010 10:43:49 GMT
Posted by lolas2k5:
is it just for me that the tournament has 0 players registred? cant se that anyone has registred for the tournament not even me.. maybe its like that for all?

It's supposed to be like that. Everybody who creates an account before 14:00 GMT today will be registered by kickoffpoker automatically.
 Pokerflat8504/02/2010 11:46:54 GMT
Hello,my nickname by kickoffpoker is Rixxn03
 bless904/02/2010 11:55:44 GMT
I registered but can't play in Poker Web Client. its not loading, even I turned popup blocker off.

Also when I tried to download poker software no success. I hope this harm get fixed til tournament starts.
 Administrator04/02/2010 12:53:43 GMT
Posted by bless9:
I registered but can't play in Poker Web Client. its not loading, even I turned popup blocker off.

Also when I tried to download poker software no success. I hope this harm get fixed til tournament starts.

I'm not having any problems, so I'm afraid it's in your end Sad Try to contact [email protected] as soon as possible, to make sure there's a chance it can be solved before the freeroll.
 bless904/02/2010 13:14:00 GMT
Ok went now 2 later to their site and succesfully downloaded the software.

 thebig04/02/2010 13:19:46 GMT
excuse me but it is 2.15, but still no one ... even I recorded : (
 dima77704/02/2010 14:35:42 GMT
hello my nick ThuramRus =)

Oo I registered))thanks))
 peyo00104/02/2010 15:04:27 GMT
i create my account with a bankrollmob ink but i cant register!!what s up?

I need your help
 slavqa04/02/2010 16:15:42 GMT
i create my account with a bankrollmob ink but i cant register!!please add me!

username : slavqa12
 MobManager04/02/2010 16:32:24 GMT
Hi All,

Players have now been registered in the tournament, and the prizestructure has been ammended. The only reason for there only being 1 prize in the first place, is because with 0 players in the tournament, the software automatically only assign "one prize". As more players are registered, the prizes are calculated based on the regular prizepool structure with Entraction Network.

Good luck to all players that registered their account before 14.00 GMT today, may the best Mobster WIN !!! Dollar Dollar Dollar
 lamerando04/02/2010 18:18:42 GMT
so no reply about old account created via bankrollmob

Sad so sad
 pauldefined04/02/2010 18:30:28 GMT
i hve signed up for this site, am i too late to join this free roll? If I am then naturally i will be deleting my account on their site. I signed up through your link and my screen name is 'KeoghAA'

Any help will be appreciated Smile
 BhStaljin04/02/2010 18:52:44 GMT

Freeroll begins soon......ony 293 players registred......first 36 places are paid....great I am one among the registred.....

Hope I will manage to win something....good luck for all of you and especially for me Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

 Vyckis04/02/2010 18:57:07 GMT
i creat new account but not have ticket to 400E freeroll,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
 bless904/02/2010 19:11:52 GMT
I reminded that this starts in a hour, but its already began, lost 150 chips when wasnt at table.
Well not too late to start tournament.
 Airas10/03/2010 12:26:38 GMT
lost first hand Sad with AA.
 scaramoes19/05/2011 13:51:41 GMT
shame only new players can play this freeroll,make one big freeroll for the regular players.

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