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"nutshino": "Officially quitting poker today until WSOP 2012. Time to live a little..."

Tags: pokerstars, quits poker, Richard nutshino Lyndaker.
Posted on 03 November 2011 by "T".

On November 26th we wrote some news about Richard "nutshino" Lyndaker and that he's planning on quitting poker. The reason for this is that Lyndaker has been running extremely bad this year and lost about $900,000. It's not a big secret that those losses has taken a big hit on his bankroll, and the messages on his twitter only confirms this.

"Continuing to run terrible every single day this year... Just never ends, probably quitting online poker after the next 2 months"

"Impossibly bad downswing immediately follows heater AGAIN. November will be the last month of 'nutsinho' playing on Pokerstars. Sad times..."

Yesterday, November 2nd, Lyndaker wrote on his twitter that he's quitting poker until 2012 WSOP and that it's "Time to live a little". It will be interesting to see whether he manages to stay away from online and live poker until 2012 WSOP.

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5 comments on ""nutshino": "Officially quitting poker today until WSOP 2012. Time to live a little...""

 KoldShadow03/11/2011 22:21:18 GMT
Incredible (how much he's lost and that he's quitting for so many months). Hopefully he can come back refreshed . . .
 TheMachineQC04/11/2011 05:14:31 GMT
Ouch! Even with good bankroll management, you can't do much when you really run bad. The most frustrating thing is when you run bad at critical moments but o well that's part of the game!

Better luck to him next year!
 SuperNoob04/11/2011 08:23:33 GMT
1st he was quitting poker
then he was quitting poker after next 2 months
now hes quitting till wsop 2012

im sure he'll be back by new year, anyway hope he has better luck when he comes back.
 Fakiry04/11/2011 11:34:31 GMT
If things are running that bad for him, this is the best he have to do. We have to remember that someone like nutshino plays, at least 8 hours per day, like a job, so, when things don’t work out well for so long, its obvious that he needs to stop (a real brake, away from chips and cards) so he don’t end up broke and with increased debts. One real tourney, accepting an invitation from a casino, or some other extraordinary poker event will not make him bad, but the best for him (like if I was a doctor) is “absolute rest”. There’s nothing wrong in that. Look at Lloyds Bank CEO, when he got the job, in the first day, he entered the company one hour earlier than everyone and told the security officer (the only one at the bank at that hour) that would become the new hour of beginning the day job for everyone. After a couple of months, Horta Osório came to the press saying he can’t handle the stress and the doctor sent him home for three months to rest.
 Macubaas04/11/2011 20:07:19 GMT
If you ask me i think he is just on tilt, but i would also advice him to change the poker platform for some time...

And yes, i'm sure he will be back in no time refreshed, he is a good player and i'm sure he will reover most of the money Smile

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