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Liv Boeree On Charity

Tags: ask questions, charity, Liv Boeree, Team PokerStars Pro, travel.
Posted on 07 August 2014 by "T".

British Team PokerStars Pro Liv Boeree, 30, has earned an incredible 2.4 million dollars playing live poker since 2007, including her victory at the 2010 EPT San Remo for $1.6 million - which probably was one of the reasons PokerStars signed her a few months later.

She has been extremely busy traveling and playing poker since joining Team PokerStars Pro, something that has given her a new perspective on life. In her latest blog, Fulfilling the higher calling, she wrote about her personal wealth and how she wants to help other not so fortunate people through charity. Here's a teaser: 

"As a poker player, I can say I'm amassing personal wealth and perhaps earning a bit of fame, but what am I using it for? Am I improving others' lives at all, or only my own and perhaps my immediate friends and family? Is there a way I can continue playing this amazing game that I love, and fulfil this wish to help and do more for the world? As with most problems, there is a solution!"

Below is the full blog post. We recommend you read it and post questions to Liv Boeree here.

Fulfilling the higher calling

I've been playing poker for a long time and thankfully, I've been reasonably successful doing so. With that came a wealth of amazing opportunities the game has given me, from travel to experiences to meeting heroes from many industries. But at the same time I've become increasingly aware of a growing emptiness I've been feeling, and it's one I'm not alone with - it's the question of what we, as poker players, are actually contributing long-term to society.

Many believe that in order to achieve true happiness in life, you need to be doing something that fulfils a higher calling -- that is, something that isn't just self-serving but provides something beneficial to the wider community. This idea can present a problem for poker players, who, after all, are first and foremost trying to make money for themselves, and in order to do so must necessarily take money from others.

As a poker player, I can say I'm amassing personal wealth and perhaps earning a bit of fame, but what am I using it for? Am I improving others' lives at all, or only my own and perhaps my immediate friends and family? Is there a way I can continue playing this amazing game that I love, and fulfil this wish to help and do more for the world? As with most problems, there is a solution!

Not long ago two of my friends, the well-known German poker players Phillip Gruissem and Igor Kurganov decided to start pledging a percentage of their yearly winnings to charity. They encouraged others to also make a one-time donation, which they would match up to $50,000. This received an unexpectedly large amount of support from fellow poker players.

That got us all thinking about how to expand this mindset into the wider poker community. I was in Zurich with Igor before EPT Vienna, and we met with some guys from the meta-charity/research institute GBS Switzerland ( We were absolutely blown away by these extremely intelligent, articulate people who truly believe in the idea of effective altruism. It was a concept I was unfamiliar with, but their explanation resonated with me. It is defined as a philosophy and social movement that uses evidence and reason to work out the most effective ways to reduce suffering and improve the world, and to act in the way that achieves the maximum positive impact from each dollar that is given.

This led us to the idea of doing something similar within the poker community. Not only would we donate a portion of our own winnings, but we could also do our own "movement building" by encouraging others to do the same. We'd be able to help others less fortunate than ourselves and simultaneously gain a long term satisfaction from playing poker knowing there's a greater good coming from it.

We came up with the idea of "Raising for Effective Giving" or "REG", -- -- a charity that enables poker players to sign up and pledge to donate a small percentage (2%) of their gross quarterly winnings. With research and guidance from the folks at GBS Switzerland, the funds will be directly donated to the charities that are ranked as the most highly effective at the time. Right now there are several charities ranking the highest, according to charity evaluator GiveWell. They include Give DirectlyDeworm the World, the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative which also focuses on deworming and preventing various diseases, with a few others on the list as well. The site also has a regular blog about topics on effective altruism and charitable issues. It will also focus on rationality, decision-making and improving one's mindset in general.

I'm so excited about the launch of "REG" and how it can provide us, you, and anyone else in poker with a way to make real, positive contributions to society, and to distribute financial aid to the causes that have the most positive impact, wherever on the planet they may be


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11 comments on "Liv Boeree On Charity"

 Heskor07/08/2014 14:46:27 GMT
She is hot and i like her generosity most wealthy people would give back to the society and she does too and very much appreciated from that , love giving to charities and in the UK you get great tax relief on that and I like the UK system it lead people to help other people and we can live in a better world afterwards hopefully. Cheers one of my favorite female poker player. Big Smile
 demodawggy07/08/2014 15:15:28 GMT
One of my faves too Heskor...! Always very nice when folks give back not only monetarily,...but with their time also...! Lot's of the pro's and much lesser poker players seem to be a pretty charitable bunch...!

Smile Thumbs Up

...talking about being charitable,...I bet pochui wishes Liv would have been a little more charitable with those lovely boobs of hers over in that OTHER thread...... Big Smile
 Mipetin07/08/2014 17:13:01 GMT
Charity seems to be the new thing in the poker world. That's great. Smile

I would donate if it was Liv asking me to !
 pochui08/08/2014 06:37:14 GMT
well mr. demodawggy is right here on the topic of those precious charitable boobs. i wouldn't mind playing a charity heads-up sng with her where if i won i would get to inspect them boobies very thoroughly, meanwhile if i lost Liv would get the chance to witness my hairy a55 or perfectly shaved balls (oh the pain picking from two greats)
 doubletop77708/08/2014 08:15:16 GMT
This woman just keeps getting higher up in my estimation. She has always been one of my favourite poker players but when you hear stories like this you just have to respect her even more
 callie2808/08/2014 14:10:54 GMT
she wasnt so charitable when she was on the tv show goldenballs,stole the lot,makes for a good poker player,Liv rules... Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile
 starbay08/08/2014 16:20:49 GMT
well done liv... Thumbs Up Thumbs Up if more people were like her the world would be a much better place to live in
 Macubaas08/08/2014 20:27:46 GMT
That is a really good idea if you ask me, i mean you are not forced as poker player to give an amount no matter what you win but you only donate a percentage of your winnings!

I think if they get at least the biggest names in poker to get on this foundation they will raise some important sums of cash for charity!
 callie2808/08/2014 23:43:41 GMT
heres the latest from our Liv,so is it boobs or bum.... Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile

And if this is the road to Vegas then im on my way... Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile
 mirexxx10/08/2014 14:44:02 GMT
Let The Children Live! is a charity that works in Colombia with children from the streets and shanty-towns of the city of Medellín. These children are called ‘the disposable ones’ and they live, and sometimes die, in the streets and rubbish dumps of Colombia’s cities. Their ages range from six-year-olds to teenagers and they are often unloved, unwanted, beaten, robbed, raped and murdered. The charity aims to safeguard the lives of these children from the poverty and violence of the streets and to make their lives worth living by giving them love, education and a future. It is currently working with 600 children and young people, both boys and girls.
 Weenie02/03/2015 18:32:09 GMT
She should do a little charity by sitting on my face Heart

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