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Vanessa Rousso On Big Brother

Tags: Big Brother, reality game show, Vanessa Rousso.
Posted on 17 June 2015 by "T".

Former PokerStars Pro Vanessa Rousso has been chosen for the 17th season of Big Brother, a reality game show where a group of strangers live together in a house with dozens of cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours; the contestants of this season will be fighting for a $500,000 first-place prize.

The cast for the upcoming season was revealed on Tuesday - just about one week before the premier on June 24. Rousso, who has $4.5 million in live tournament earnings, talked to CBS about her participation in the reality game show...

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Not being able to communicate with my girlfriend will definitely be the toughest part of the entire experience. We are very, very close and I rely on her as a teammate in life. I know I will miss her terribly. Also, not being able to use a computer to produce music or be able to browse the net will be insanely difficult since I'm definitely spoiled by the Internet and modern technology-not to mention that making music is my go-to stress reliever!

Not having access to technology will certainly be a challenge! 

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: Dan Gheesling, by far. He is not afraid to make big moves, he has a great social game to complement his strategic prowess, and I'm inspired by the fact that he never ever gives up!

What are you afraid of: Flying insects/bats, death, being out of control, and being humiliated publicly.

Finish this sentence: My life's motto is... From a blog I wrote in my early 20s: I find my calm not at the finish line, looking back at the distance I've traveled, but in the moment, on the run, out of breath, looking forward. I don't know where I'm going, and I guess I hope to God I never get there-I'm happy as I am: Chasing something eternal and ethereal. The world is not-will never be-enough for me and that's just the way I like it. Also, I live by a code of, "Do right, be fair, have heart."

What would you take into the house and why: First would be my iPod/headphones to listen to music because music greatly impacts my emotions and can help me keep a level head when I'm stressed. I listen to music when I play poker and it would be awesome to be able to use it similarly during Big Brother. I'd also bring hair bleach. I highlight my hair and three months is a hella long time to go without doing my roots #vanity!! Finally, my journal since I love to write. It helps me process my emotions and make decisions with a clear head.



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19 comments on "Vanessa Rousso On Big Brother"

 klash2317/06/2015 15:08:36 GMT
Unless she desperately needs the money I don't see the point in going in.If it was in the UK no one would have a clue about poker players but I think in the US they are quite well known and having a camera in your face for 24 hours a day is not usually a good decision.
As for the question "what are you afraid of"........she is likely to see many of her answers while in the house!
 arsenej117/06/2015 15:25:12 GMT
She won't be able to lie about who she is. Bb canada had a poker player but wasnt well known so could lie. She wont get away with it i dont think
 SBEP17/06/2015 16:08:18 GMT
WWwwwoowwwWW what a surprise, and i always though we would see her in a new episode of " Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman" Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile Big Smile
 StheP17/06/2015 16:21:01 GMT
wtf... I wrote post on this thread hour ago and now it isnt here O.o lol I said that I dont see why would she ever go to big brother exept if she is broke and needs money... But I doubt that... I like vanessa, she is kinda hot (but have a big nose), and I dont think this will do any good to her...
 av196617/06/2015 18:07:05 GMT
Hello my friends and fellow mobsters

Well that´s a surprise but I think his a way of getting more exposure to her maybe she is trying to change her career to TV acting or something like that Question Question

She can be also taking part just for pure fun Big Smile Big Smile to have a new experience Big Smile I will try for sure to pick her performance
Don´t forget to be happy and enjoy life
 luisexy6919/06/2015 13:45:06 GMT

Is a surprise not for me but for many people, because persons like this is taking shows around the world to jump to another carrer or to grow a litle more their carrers.
In this case maybe she want to grow is skills for poker face and the part psychological.

Beside that is one more to maybe build is new carrer or just to get down like many in this kind of tv shows.
 klash2319/06/2015 15:15:38 GMT
She is a good player and I think she has min cashed in this years WSOP,and has earned over $3million in tournaments,so I doubt she would be broke but her best does seem to have been 4 or 5 years ago.
Hopefully it will bring more women to the game as the women turnout seems to be very low this year. Smile
 StheP19/06/2015 17:02:14 GMT
Posted by klash23:
She is a good player and I think she has min cashed in this years WSOP,and has earned over $3million in tournaments,so I doubt she would be broke but her best does seem to have been 4 or 5 years ago.
Hopefully it will bring more women to the game as the women turnout seems to be very low this year. Smile

why you doubt? what 3 mil isnt spendable? Lindgren had much more and he claim bancrupsy several time...3 mil is nothing for some people... it can be spend in matter of days... buy huge house, expencive car, like that she buyed few years ago ( lamburgini galiardo for 300k$) play some high stakes poker and there you go 3 mil $ goes to waste....
 Calmplay19/06/2015 17:53:44 GMT
Vanessa is good and very reasonable so thinking about her to go broke is like thinking about Mike Matusow would stay quiet during 1 hour while playing poker...

 pinotte19/06/2015 22:42:52 GMT
Unless she is paid very good on the side to play in this i really dont know why she accept to do this Big Brother think. Unless she lost big playing poker and she is very desparate for a little bit of money.
Anyway good luck to her on that show and her poker life. Smile Smile
 Pygmalion6920/06/2015 02:57:18 GMT
This dog makes me crazy with his sweet face demon
It will be a matter of looking at the program to see if it gets naked as most participants
You must have given a lot of money for this three months without playing poker in that house it sucks
 TheMachineQC20/06/2015 07:01:44 GMT
Maybe she thinks 1 chance in 14 (number of participants in the show) is pretty good odds for half a million dollars Big Smile

Or maybe she's just missing the attention... we haven't seen her much on TV ever since po.ker after dark. She's a pretty solid TAG player though! Smile
 Sorin88820/06/2015 07:33:24 GMT
he show will be aired on CBS three times weekly until season's end, when the eventual winner will be awarded a tidy $500,000 cash prize.
In the US version of the show, there is absolutely no public voting to evict candidates, the "houseguests" themselves vote out one of their own each week.
 damosk20/06/2015 10:30:14 GMT
So, a poker pro on Big Brother! Could this be the start of a new relationship between reality(!) TV and poker? Maybe the plan is that Vanessa will teach everyone to play poker as a trial and the best player gets a nice treat from the lovely TV company who generally treat the contestants really well but the contestants don't think so?
 ddblt197013/07/2015 12:46:19 GMT
Honestly, I definitely didn´t expect this one! Big Smile
At first I thought it was a joke.
But it seems it is not...
 MaxiArma14/07/2015 15:03:30 GMT
Posted by bowie1984:
Posted by LadyFloppy:
'Big Brother' predictions: Vanessa Rousso early frontrunner to win

While this season of "Big Brother" has barely begun, we have a clear frontrunner to take the title. Our readers think that poker player Vanessa Rousso has a winning hand and give her leading odds of 17/10. Among the other 15 contestants, Steve Moses is the likely runner-up with odds of 6/1...

Thank you for your precious copypasta.
Are the argentinians here actually have anything original to say at all?

"bowie1984" What is your problem with Argentines?
The same forum copy and paste other forums or news magazine specialized in poker, as this thread, which is an exact copy of a magazine specializing
I read several of his publications in other threads, and always upset with the same, if you do not like what someone publishes just do not read
And regarding Argentine publications, try to avoid comments that all Argentines give us balls lining his words
If you have a phobia of Argentines, go to annoy your fellow Hungarians, and not fuck more Thumbs Down
 yout8514/07/2015 15:29:24 GMT
Don't take it personally Maxi.... Bowie hates everyone Blink
 LadyFloppy14/07/2015 15:50:22 GMT
Posted by bowie1984:
Posted by LadyFloppy:
'Big Brother' predictions: Vanessa Rousso early frontrunner to win

While this season of "Big Brother" has barely begun, we have a clear frontrunner to take the title. Our readers think that poker player Vanessa Rousso has a winning hand and give her leading odds of 17/10. Among the other 15 contestants, Steve Moses is the likely runner-up with odds of 6/1...

Thank you for your precious copypasta.
Are the argentinians here actually have anything original to say at all?

bowie1984 because you're not going to fuck another forum Aww crap!
Argentines say you Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down Thumbs Down idiot
You are not got a girlfriend or wife to take care ?, instead of bothering us
They'll make goat by stupid, you are a jerk mannered Thumbs Down

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