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BankrollMob Forum » » Never thought BRM would do it but they did.......

Never thought BRM would do it but they did.......  +6   
BRM forgot my birthday Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

On November 18 I turned 48 and never got a ticket to the mob draw Sad Sad

I now feel totally forgotten.

Thant being said I think BRM should add an extra prize to the calender for all the forgotten birthdays so someone will win and be happy. Smile

In the spirit of pochui give a Thumbs Up if you agree Smile

Edited by dlkiv (25 November 2013 @ 01:45 GMT)

I agree...! I gave you a thumbs up! could be like 'The Island of Misfit Toys' on that one Christmas Show,....except it would be 'The Island of Forgotten BankrollMob Birtdays...' Smile Thumbs Up

Lonely crowd there I'd bet.... Happy Birthday! Big Smile Cheer Up... Smile Thumbs Up Heart

You should receive 48 tickets istead of one as compensation. Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

May be the birthday e-mail generator crashed.
What does Tony have to say about??

U got my thumb up!
Happy birthday!

Big Smile

admin forgot dlkiv's birthday Shock

run for cover Tongue

and belated happy birthday Smile

If you are unsubscribed our newsletter, you will not get the ticket because we can't e-mail you about it Smile

But since you would like one, and it is your birthday, I have now given one to you Worship

Posted by dlkiv:
In the spirit of pochui give a Thumbs Up if you agree Smile

i like the spirit of pochui, so deffo a thumbs up Thumbs Up

Happy Birthday! Smile

Happy birthday first of all even though it was some fays ago Smile

Glad that admin in the end decided to give you a ticket, how cool would be if at the end of the week you would win with it Big Smile Cool

Thank you all Smile and thank you Tony and BRM staff for the ticket Smile

Posted by Macubaas:
Happy birthday first of all even though it was some fays ago Smile

Glad that admin in the end decided to give you a ticket, how cool would be if at the end of the week you would win with it Big Smile Cool

I think Tony and the BRM community know that if I did win, I would donate it back to all of you to win Smile


Next week I have birthday (the date when John Lennon was killed). I hope BankrollMob will not forget my birthday. Smile

G'day dlkiv
Hope your birthday was a good on for you.
Happy birthday, sorry the best wishes are a little late.
Bought you a cake though.
be cool

Ronin Cool

Thank you my man magatt Smile

Posted by RoninHarper:
G'day dlkiv
Hope your birthday was a good on for you.
Happy birthday, sorry the best wishes are a little late.
Bought you a cake though.
be cool

Ronin Cool

and thank you as well RoninHarper for the cake as well.

WOW 2 bday cakes gonna have to really work out harder today so I don't get a fat ass Smile

They never forget birthdays and you must have unsubscribed or something. They always remember my birthday and i always get a ticket to the draw[HAVENT WON YET THOUGH!!!}. There must be a reason for this but anyway Happy Birthday and have a nice day

Happy birthday dlkiv, all the best.

It might be not a problem with subscription.
I am still subscribed to BRM mail, getting all their mails normally but i didnt get one either
in my Bday. It was a while ago (half year+ Smile but didnt mention it, since its not something important.

G'day M'Lady

Do not worry yourself over a little extra padding on your bum.
I know that many men prefer a women with a little more to love.
You got a GREAT personality and you also play poker.
You are undoubtedly way ahead of most of your so called competition.
Do not even give it a second thought your a hottie from the inside out.
best wishes to you.
be cool

Ronin Cool

dlkiv.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY..... make sure you make the most of your free gift as you have waited so patiently for it...maybe any winnings from it could add to your contribution to the xmas home game.

Posted by damosk:
dlkiv.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY..... make sure you make the most of your free gift as you have waited so patiently for it...maybe any winnings from it could add to your contribution to the xmas home game.

You bet dear Blink If I win in mob draw all goes to the Christmas home game Smile

and thank you again all for teh Birthday wishes Cool

BankrollMob Forum » » Never thought BRM would do it but they did.......

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