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I had an account there in Titan Poker but i did not play.
I think it's a Russian poker room affiliated to I Poker Network.
For a few years i have not heard of interesting tournaments there.
Probably in this moment is a poor room.
Too many rooms in this industry and few people.
In this way you do not have the chance to earn serious money.

But the people who start to play poker is growing time at a time! In my country, there is a joke "the problem with the dope people is not their dangerous, the problem is that they are too many and they vote!" Big Smile Titan poker was making a promotion for the newly registered players, that they could play a significant number of tournaments of $ 1 and $ 2 by a lapse of time, so the room is alive!

Even if this camera lives, you think you can make nice money here?
Their tournaments of $ 1 or 2 are so big ( with many players ) or has only a ,,handful of players''?
If this poker room has entered in anonymity, i suppose that the players have migrated in other places.
Is correct or not?

I don´t know. The only way to know it is downloading the poker`s client and see what happen. If I wasn´t registered in the past, I would do it and take advantage of tracking the account in BRM. But yesterday, when I was looking for some hidden treasure, I found that there was a new promotion to a poker´s room that I don´t know "Grey Snow Poker", so I made my register tracking from this page Blink

Grey Snow Poker is a new poker room and they promoting and supporting the Native American community.
I read on the internet and i do not know what traffic he has.
Probably weak as in I Poker Network.
They will have to resist for a period of time and if they are lucky Americans will return to the game tables when the law will allow them.
For moment i can not play in I Poker Network or Grey Snow Poker.
Grey Snow Poker is a part of I Poker Network?

nice Dollar Dollar

Posted by CALICUL:

Grey Snow Poker is a part of I Poker Network?

No it isnt part of I poker!

I think that it was a Native American Casino (they have a lot of it) that is improve on the internet and then into poker game. I fell a bit uncomfortable because I´m used to playing in a poker client. I never played in a web client. So the browser bothers me, and I couldn´t put it on all screen, because I have a big monitor and is a bad look! Sad

I'm sorry for you my friend, because you have bad luck with full screen in Grey Snow Poker.
I do not play in Unibet Poker because is the same situation.
I can not change the table to the size as i want.
They could modify this and players will be happy.
I think it's not a hard thing.
I Poker Network is very nice because you can change the table.

I do it, I found a way to fix it! Today I went to the reviews to see all about this site because I want to know more about this Native American company. I want to know if it is a cooperative business, if they manage it with a tribe structure,...etc. I don´t find any of these themes, but I found that the page has a downloadable poker`s client, so I install it and now I play there like all the other poker´s rooms Cool

When i could play without restriction in all poker rooms, i was pessimistic, when it opened a new poker room, because initially there are few players.
Until the poker accounts are created and the money deposited it takes more time.
You can take advantage of winning something but not too much.
With few players is hard to win serious money.
You have to wait for a period, to increase the number of players. Blink

No CALICUL, you have to read the threads about it. Several partners of this site have made good money in this poker`s room. I read about two members who won $ 250 and $ 300 playing with the first $ 5 Tourney bucks that they got by the BRM promotion. I played one new freeroll and I won $ 0,48, is an interesting news Blink

Some times, when a site is new, it is easier to win money playing the games.
Then as the word spreads around, the sharks arrive hitting on everyone Smile
Having a bonus along with freerolls can get you a nice bankroll in a new site.

You have few disadvantages when playing in a new room but you can win something with their freerolls or at the cash table.
Tournaments will be small and no chance for big money.
After few months players are multiplying but it's hard to rival with the top 3-4 in the industry.

Hey CALICUL, have you registered there? If you do it, you could see that the offer is very good! There were four daily freerolls tournament with $ 50 in prizes and no more than 150 players. So, if you win it (that is not hard to do) you can win $ 13/15. And a lot of tournament with bigest prizes that you can play with the tournament bucks!

I can not create any account in any poker room.
The system blocking me to all rooms except Unibet, Pokerstars, and 888 Poker, but here i already have the accounts created.
I saw yesterday a thread here when someone earned nearly $ 200 in Grey Snow Poker.
Has the same software as Americas Cardroom and Duck Poker or i'm wrong?
What will happen in the summer will melt the snow in this room? Smile

What a shame CALICUL, your country´s restrictions are really bad! Maybe, when you go to other countries on holidays, you can choose one of them where the restricción are low. So you can download all the poker`s client that you want in an external hard drive and take them to your home. What do you think, this is possible?

Is possible to do this thing and after that to use a VPN.
I install the program and after that to play, but i do not want to risk.
There is a law and i do not want to receive a fine or something else.
Things get worse in my country and is good with white record for me.
Criminal record is bad for all.

Yes you have the reason CALICUL. In some countries, a usual and natural move may be an offense, and somebody (including the law agents) may claim to you. But in others countries, the same thing could make that you lose your head! So you know where you live and know what you can do, after all the poker isn´t important, don´t you think? Blink

Poker is important when there are players in the room and fighting for something.
If there are no players and you can not win anything interesting then is not so important except training, to learn better.
A criminal record is bad, because if i want to leave my country and work in another country, i will not be able because of my criminal file.
Because of this i do not want to risk. Smile

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