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888 set up  0   
Not normal how many times you lose best hand
Set often gets beat bij flush or straight
Now in week time i have lost 2 times a full house
First time He riverd a straight flush,Was 2 % card...
Just now in zoom 6 handed
I have QQ 2 raisers before me flop 995 rainbow,bet call call
Turn is Q,check, check,check..
River J,I move allinn 4 20 $ pot was like 11 until than
I get called...thinking i doubled
But cards went open.....99 Angry Sad Thumbs Down Confused

Edited by easy775 (03 October 2019 @ 19:06 GMT)

Attached ImagesScreenshot_20191003-200913_888 poker.jpg


888 Poker is becoming more and more unbearable. I noticed that when i have KK's pocket i lose most of the cases against A. When i have QQ i lose aganist K or A. This software does not have many variants when sharing the cards. This year i was disappointed with their cash and tournaments. I hope they change the situation or i leave this room.

You can say that it was a bad beat. And when you think that the other player doesnt
have the nuts, it happens. And the bad thing of course is that you went all in.
You had some bad results, but how many times can you lose like that Smile
Dont get disappointed, your turn will come.
Well at least this is what we all hope at some point Smile

He had poker directly in the flop and of course this is not a bad beat but he specified other hands who did not help him to win his hands and is upset by this. It's a disturbing thing that bothers me because i lose a lot of hands with bad beats but when it comes to winning, it happens very rarely.

Oh dear! We all seem to forget occasionally that poker is a game here (in Holdem at least) the winner is the best five cards after all cards have been dealt. How you get to see the river is based on gambling. This is because poker is a game of probability. Even where there is a 2% chance that a player will win....they may well win! Just because we think it is unfair, or poor RNG Processes, its still all down to probability. Even the RNG has a probability. Probability that it will be fair and fine that it won't. We can all but hope that our gambles pays off. If they do not and the other player bets incorrectly or just gets lcuky, that's POKER. Love it for what it is and keep smiling.

Dollar Dollar Dollar Dollar

Posted by easy775:
. . . Just now in zoom 6 handed
I have QQ 2 raisers before me flop 995 rainbow,bet call call
Turn is Q,check, check,check..
River J,I move allinn 4 20 $ pot was like 11 until than
I get called...thinking i doubled
But cards went open.....99

You mean the player (CO) with 99 3bet and you (SB) flatted QQ preflop? Didn't you consider 4betting your pocket Queens there? I guess you tried to balance your calling range by flatting strong hands? Better luck next time.

You can't love poker if you don't win hands just as your opponents win. It's very ugly when you lose 4-5 hands through bad beats and not to win even one, in the same method. This is the
inconvenience which made many players to give up.

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