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I played in one of the BRM Freerolls just recently and to be honest, I didnt recognise one player. So why have you joined bankroll mob and how often do you sign in?
Joined: May '08
Location: Sweden
Age: 56 (M)
Posts: 1362
I hang around a few times every day. But thats because I work at my computer, so its pretty easy to take a short break and just goof around doing nothing. But I don't play that many of the freerolls.
Joined: Dec '08
Location: Netherlands
Age: 65 (M)
Posts: 735
The ndb's were the reason I joined, the laidback atmosphere in the forums is what makes me log in 1ce or twice a day, most days. Plus ofcourse the free money in the safe / posts etc.
Joined: Nov '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 48 (M)
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I never sign in from home! only from work. If im at home and on the PC im playing poker..... If im signed in here you can put money on the fact im at work hahaha no seriously i'll be at work. I like to play the safe and post in forum aswell as listen to others and try and pick up some tips. Dont forget the wicked bankroll offers.
Posted by Exiles: I played in one of the BRM Freerolls just recently and to be honest, I didnt recognise one player. So why have you joined bankroll mob and how often do you sign in?
------------------------ I don't think you will recognize alot of people while playing in tourneys. Most people, including myself have a different name user name that we play with while at the tables. As for joining, I just came across BRM one day and decided to give it a try. I sign in quite a bit because if I like at particular thread, I subscribe to it and follow its content. I check my email through the day so logging in just to read a quick thread then back out. Also take a crack at the safe while here too.
I visit BRM daily and write some posts everytime. Got some bonuses in the past but now I like to read forum and, when I make a pause during jobtime, I spend few minutes to do this. If you play this evening freeroll on Titan Poker you'll find me: nick is the same
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Portugal
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 4829
I usually come here every days to read the news and participate on polls and forums because i really think this site is very well done, considering its theme. I always like to coment the news because, besides earning points that can be transformed into money after a while, i also learn with others coments, when they are well written. At the begining i had more time to participate at the freerolls, now i have less, but sometimes you can find me at Mansion, 770, Action and PKR.
I signed because of no deposit free bankrolls in poker services. If Bankrollmob give you free money why should not we take it and make from this real good money. Good luck guys!
I used to sign in here at least once a day after I signed up for the account at BRM.
At present I simply don't have time to do that so frequently because of my work. I hope it'll change soon and I'll spend more time on building my poker career.
Joined: Feb '08
Location: Argentina
Age: 51 (M)
Posts: 140
I'm logging every day, I open the safe someday. also because I read the post and how many hits did I check on my site, if someone revize record on my downline. among other things.
Joined: Jan '09
Location: Netherlands
Age: 64 (F)
Posts: 27
Lol, even though I read the forum a few times a week, I only log in maybe 3 times a month. Maybe I'll do it more often to try and crack the safe, but that is very hard.