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BankrollMob Forum » Poker Forum » BAD BEAT MAGNET

Am i the only one in here who thinks they r a bad beat magnet.. I put 100 dollars on stars. I dont have a big bankrol lso i have been playing small tournments and monying frquently but never hit it big so im staying around average. I decided to take my money to the tables and play .25/.50 and go big or go home so to speak. The third hand i get 10 10.. i get a raise in front of me to 3 bucks... i call. Flop comes 2 10 J. I check figure it will induce him to bet which he does. I only took 20 tot he table so i go all in. He calls. He turns up KJ. Turn is Q river is A giving him a str8. UGHHHHHHHHHH..

So i decide to get my money back and make a profit i will take my remainig 70 bucks to the 1/2 dolalr table. After of course i vented and got my mindstate back to normal. Third hand i pick up rockets. Im like sweet jesus justice. a guy raises 5 bucks into me. I re raise to ten he calls. Flop is 2 8 J all clubs. I dont figure him to have 2 clubs and i did have the ace of clubs so i bet and he raises. I thin kabout it for a min and call. blank hits .. he puts me all i nso i call.. he had 88 and hit trips and i couldnt hit another club for the flush. Probably a bad call but i was already pot committed and he had been bluffing pot after pot. I think im just that unlucky... also i na tourn this week i had rockets and short stack goes all i nand i call and he has 88.. we both hit trips on flop.. 4th 8 comes on river to give him quads.. took me down to half my stack at teh FINAL TABLE.. UGHHHH.. please osmeone make me feel better about myself!!!

Well I was on the final table, already in the cash but thats not the point. It was down to 3 players. Some guy went all in, I had double his stack and 99 so I called. He shows AJ and surely he hits the J and I don't get any 9s after that. So ok he doubled up and im the shortstack now. The very next hand I am dealt AJ and go all in. The guy who had just taken my chips called and showed 99. So I feel pretty confident that I'll hit an A or J. The flop is dealt and comes out as J 9 x x x lol.... bullll! Could of made sooo much more cash but nooo, that guy had the luck of his life.

ouch Aww crap! sounds like a vad day but you know the bankrollmagnament its for prevent some cases like these Blink but relax sometimes you lose whit that hands but this no means you will lose all hands like that Blink just wait you day and enjoy it Blink Big Smile

Posted by DiESeven:
Well I was on the final table, already in the cash but thats not the point. It was down to 3 players. Some guy went all in, I had double his stack and 99 so I called. He shows AJ and surely he hits the J and I don't get any 9s after that. So ok he doubled up and im the shortstack now. The very next hand I am dealt AJ and go all in. The guy who had just taken my chips called and showed 99. So I feel pretty confident that I'll hit an A or J. The flop is dealt and comes out as J 9 x x x lol.... bullll! Could of made sooo much more cash but nooo, that guy had the luck of his life.

I CAN SO REALTE TO THAT.. I DID IT 3 TIMES IN 4 HANDS TO GET KNOCKED OUT ONE TIME.. WENT O/2 WITH OVER CARDS AND O/1 WITH POCKETS AND HE HIT EVERYTIME.... another things that gets me is putting someone on AJ and u got blig slcika and u get their chips in and they flip over the AJ and then hit the 3 outer... it happens so much i expect it now

cmon relax. somtime u are the lucker sometimes not.

When i here sth starting like:

i lost so much that i went on the next higher limit

i can only think omfg.........

IF U WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL U NEED TO HAVE LONGTIME SUCCESS! IF U LOOSE A LOT U SHOULD TAKE A LOWER LIMIT! Poker is hard work. U cant make luckshots with skill. U can only make luckshots with luck! If u want to have success by skill u need to minimize the influence of luck and take into consideration that u can have 100 times badluck but with ur strategy u will have min 120 times success! Thats poker!

You are not an ape u have a brain. use it.

This post by TILTTIVILPPI has been removed, probably due to being spam or because it was irrelevant to this topic.
ouch that hurts, i had today the same with A-2 the flop J-2-2 the turn 8 and the river a king he full house with JJ and i three of a kind Aww crap!

Posted by glenn006:
ouch that hurts, i had today the same with A-2 the flop J-2-2 the turn 8 and the river a king he full house with JJ and i three of a kind Aww crap!

Hehe i just lost A A on table A j 7 and he called with 77 and somehow made flush on his 7 lol ;D on turn and river ...

Ouch that's a nasty one. But why do you go to such high stakes?? Ow i see the reason Blink

Posted by GJmetal:
Ouch that's a nasty one. But why do you go to such high stakes?? Ow i see the reason Blink

i play NL25 Smile .. its not some high stackes Blink ...

Tough luck man! So, how about now, are you going to try to build it back again with some sort of bankroll management or are you going with the make it or break it tactics again?

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