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Joined: Nov '09
Location: Philippines
Age: 51 (M)
Posts: 1011
Posted by pmgignac:
Posted by B1gfoot: Never thought of it as being unsafe, looks like a beuitfull place to go, ill put it on my to do list. As for corruption, its rife everywere, just that when its in your own back yard you see it less.
or you just close your eyes cuz its the safest thing to do im david and i aint going after goliath
anyway from the picture ive seen it looks like a little paradise but what you see is not always what you get ill make my own opinion the day i go there and see for my self
if ever you will come here, feel free to inform me, i will be more than honored to give you travel guide... youll definitely gonna love it here... were a very hospitable persons live... youll gonna love the warmth and friendlines of filipina women...
Posted by B1gfoot: Never thought of it as being unsafe, looks like a beuitfull place to go, ill put it on my to do list. As for corruption, its rife everywere, just that when its in your own back yard you see it less.
Want a part to go and visit B1gfoot, then try either Boracay Island or Cebu. That comes from my wife who is from Mangagoy.
Posted by eribertoenri: also from phils
Mabuhay to Bankroll Mob eribertoenri, thats one of very few filipino words I do actually know
Posted by doomdy: Planning to go too Cebu someday Nice country but dont like the corruption Police.
Corrupt Police, yes some are, but no different to anywhere else in the world, but majority are clean.
Posted by oliver082298: cagayan de oro, Y?
Mindanao, 8 hours from Mangagoy.
Posted by oll1e999: the surname? pasigado
have you ever ate balot?
yuck, wont ever get me touching that rubbish, I go for chicken adobo, pork adobo, lumpia shanghia, pork embutido, calamari is ok, casava cake mmmmmm and a must is the chiffon cake.
Posted by oll1e999: mmmmm casava cake, im going to make some, have you ever tried lecheflan? & yeh balot is disgusting
Nope, but the wife likes it and eats all of it to, so no waste their. I was not sure about the casava cake at first, but tried it and very nice to, but the wifes chiffon cake cant be touched, also makes a chocolate version of it, yummy.
Joined: Nov '09
Location: Philippines
Age: 51 (M)
Posts: 1011
Posted by Exiles:
Posted by B1gfoot: Never thought of it as being unsafe, looks like a beuitfull place to go, ill put it on my to do list. As for corruption, its rife everywere, just that when its in your own back yard you see it less.
Want a part to go and visit B1gfoot, then try either Boracay Island or Cebu. That comes from my wife who is from Mangagoy.
Posted by eribertoenri: also from phils
Mabuhay to Bankroll Mob eribertoenri, thats one of very few filipino words I do actually know
Posted by doomdy: Planning to go too Cebu someday Nice country but dont like the corruption Police.
Corrupt Police, yes some are, but no different to anywhere else in the world, but majority are clean.
Posted by oliver082298: cagayan de oro, Y?
Mindanao, 8 hours from Mangagoy.
Posted by oll1e999: the surname? pasigado
have you ever ate balot?
yuck, wont ever get me touching that rubbish, I go for chicken adobo, pork adobo, lumpia shanghia, pork embutido, calamari is ok, casava cake mmmmmm and a must is the chiffon cake.
i think your a half-spirited filipino now... lol you seemed to know a lot about our country.. mabuhay to you too...
------------ i love balot man..., and just to inform you im now here in kabacan, maybe in a few days ill drop by at kidapawan...