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Posted by goliathfirst: thats about 1-3am UK time.
my belief is that if there haven't been many winners by evening then the odds would go up as there has to be 40 winners per day.
Your reasoning works both ways though. If all seats are filled half way through the day then every scratcher after the first 10 hours or so is drawing dead
I had 3 jokers once, but don't really know what time excactly. I'm usually online after 8 pm so probably around that time. Don't think the time matters thoug
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i really dont think that the hour that you scratch your joker have some thing to know with your chance to win come on luck is luck everybody have the same % of winning
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Posted by smaffie: I had 3 jokers once, but don't really know what time excactly. I'm usually online after 8 pm so probably around that time. Don't think the time matters thoug
I think time doesn't matter. I'm suspecting that the method to select winners only is an algorithm that depends on numeric variables: day and user id. In this way you assure there is always 40 winners.
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percentage must change...if there are for instance no winners at 3pm then the chances are higher to win you would think. can admin make any input in this thread?
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The odds change several times throughout the day depending on how many people have already scratched vs how many we estimate will scratch on that day, plus how many seats have already been won.
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I did it after my lunch, it should be around 3p.m.. I lunched and i was checking my email, trying my luck on the scratch, normal routine, and then, when i saw the three jokers, it was a moment of happiness.