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Joined: Dec '09
Location: Ireland
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 389
its almost world cup time,once again Ireland were robbed ,this time blatently by them french xxxxers Im putting my money on Spain, think this time they have their problems sorted out, mabye england? heaven forfend, jesus their still on about 66
Joined: Jan '08
Location: Finland
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 89
Posted by Almonds: its almost world cup time,once again Ireland were robbed ,this time blatently by them french xxxxers Im putting my money on Spain, think this time they have their problems sorted out, mabye england? heaven forfend, jesus their still on about 66
I dont give a rats ass.. This is poker forum. allmoust every day someone make poll about goddam soccer...
Joined: May '09
Location: Estonia
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 777
I'm hoping for Netherlands to win, or Argentina. I also think that England have a decent chance of "going deep". And i always hope that some African teams play good. Cote d'ivor or Camerun are my favorite African teams.
Joined: Dec '09
Location: Ireland
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 389
it is posted in off topic ,just dont go in it if your not interested, simple
------------ Apologies, how could i forget them after we nearly stuffed ye ,TWICE....! Im from ireland by the way,and no I dont think they will win it but i should have put them up so,again apologies.