I don't have a specific comedian that I can consider as a favorite. It's more that I like separate pieces from different comedians. For example, having two little kids of my own, I can't help loving this piece http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u2ZsoYWwJA
Doz must be the biggest comedy act closely fololwed by Pjot , but its close!
good joke i think we all ahve our favorite comedians but if i type there u ll notunderstood me becouse i love some our national country comedians so all ahve i think his favorite from his national country good luck and have fun
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Age: 58 (M)
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Ron James is frickin hillarious. he even has his own show on comedy channel. much loved Canadian comedian. another fav is Jeff Dunham. Don't have to say anything about him, anyone that has seen him agrees.
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my favorite comedians are Rich Little and Bill cosby>... Jerry Lewis and Dean martin were very good back in my days. hope you got to see them in there prime.
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Oh, I can't believe you said Jerry and Dean. I'm a collector of all their old movies. That's a thumbs up, but I'm not helping you pay for the tracking mag you just bought through BRM. lol