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BankrollMob Forum » Blogs » My Poker Blog

My Poker Blog  0   
Hey guys been a member here for sometime now and created a blog a day or two ago to promote bank roll mob and various other poker sites mainly full tilt poker because i think there the best but hey everyone has there own opinion.

I dont want any commissions from here i just want people to look at it and criticise it or say they like it, i dont mind i just wanted some feedback really.

I am going to add posts everyday but what would you guys as poker enthuasists want to see?

I have added high stakes poker season 7 upto episode 3 and just done a little teaser just to explain a little whats going on.

Would you like to see the latest news, videos, tips, hands, strategies?

Any feedback would be appreciated Smile

Oh i just read the forum rules and i cannot post a link to a site containing affiliate links but i am only really promoting bank roll mob at the moment.

I do not want referrals from here as people here are already members, i want peoples feedback and nothing else.

If my link is not wanted please contact me admin thanks.

**LINK REMOVED by admin** Worship


Edited by Administrator (17 March 2011 @ 06:44 GMT)

Posted by andy5521:
Hey guys been a member here for sometime now and created a blog a day or two ago to promote bank roll mob and various other poker sites mainly full tilt poker because i think there the best but hey everyone has there own opinion.

I dont want any commissions from here i just want people to look at it and criticise it or say they like it, i dont mind i just wanted some feedback really.

I am going to add posts everyday but what would you guys as poker enthuasists want to see?

I have added high stakes poker season 7 upto episode 3 and just done a little teaser just to explain a little whats going on.

Would you like to see the latest news, videos, tips, hands, strategies?

Any feedback would be appreciated Smile

Oh i just read the forum rules and i cannot post a link to a site containing affiliate links but i am only really promoting bank roll mob at the moment.

I do not want referrals from here as people here are already members, i want peoples feedback and nothing else.

If my link is not wanted please contact me admin thanks.

*removed* Worship


Always interesting Andy!
I´ll check your Blog this week and have a look around.
No preferences right now, but we´ll see.

Getting active in the Poker world?

Edited by Administrator (17 March 2011 @ 06:45 GMT)

Like the blog Andy, only had a few moments to look over it, I'll have to spend some more time on it later on in the week. Love anything poker related. Welcome to the site, hope you come to enjoy it as much as I have in just a short time. Cool

I know this thread is old now but i would like to know what people are looking for when they visit a poker blog, do they want things to interact with, do they want to read amazing things, do they want amazing deals?

I am a poker fan myself but when putting yourself there trying to please other people its quite hard, if you want the link let me know.

they want dozn01 help and advise like here at bankroll.mob Blink

i think you can better blog at some other sites than bankrollmob where they really have a lot of interest in them. but anyway, keep it up and you might get some support.

Posted by andy5521:
I know this thread is old now but i would like to know what people are looking for when they visit a poker blog, do they want things to interact with, do they want to read amazing things, do they want amazing deals?

I am a poker fan myself but when putting yourself there trying to please other people its quite hard, if you want the link let me know.

Personally, I rarely do - but IF I do it's generally because I want either or both of these things:

A)Insight - as in, I don't want to just read stats etc, I want to read insight into the players mind, how they felt about things, how they dealt with certain situations, etc.

B)Entertainment - I want to be entertained - just like any other leisure activity, if I'm reading a poker blog I want to be amused.

Thanks for your input everyone, so if wrote about certain players hand, how they played it and in what position would that be a good read?

As for entertainment would you be looking for funny videos from poker or would you want interactive, something you can use and learn something from?

Can i post a link here, i just want people to see if im doing a good job or not Question

When I say entertainment I mean this: Most people aren't going to be very interested in following a small time poker players blog - mostly people are only interested in the famous poker pros and their happenings.. So in order for a small stakes player to create an interesting blog that people want to read.. It has to have an angle, humor is always a winner. But there's probably other ways too.

Ok i get you, so i would need to post about poker pros, their hands how much they have won and how they would play certain hands.

I might aswell just promote full tilt poker, they have all the tools i need.

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