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I thought i would share this with you guys as i thought it was funny, this was a guy i was playin last night and was getting so lucky all the time calling with anything to the river and always winning by the river it was so sick. I kept thinking i should just leave this guy is running to good but i kept thinking if i leave and his luck runs out i would be gutted so i stayed. I have to say i played this pretty hard and i was maybe half way to uber tilt but i thought feck it if i lose here im off
* UTG 1 (Low) – Min €8 [Hold'em] (0.20|0.40 NL - Cash Game) Real Money
Hero sitting in seat 1 with €44.97[Dealer] Gifted sitting in seat 2 with €49.16 BillyJE4n sitting in seat 3 with €40.00 Jsis2k sitting in seat 4 with €40.91 TheJyn sitting in seat 6 with €58.85 Gifted posted the small blind - €0.20 BillyJE4n posted the big blind - €0.40
** Dealing cards to FullChip: Qh, 10h TheJyn called - €0.40 Hero raised to €1.60 Gifted folded BillyJE4n folded TheJyn raised to €2.80 Hero called - €2.80
** Dealing the flop: 3c, 9h, 3h TheJyn bet - €6.00 Hero raised to €24.00 TheJyn called - €24.00
** Dealing the turn: 5h TheJyn checked Hero went all-in - €18.17 TheJyn called - €18.17
** Dealing the river: 3s Hero shows: Qh, 10h TheJyn mucks: Qd, Jd Hero wins €87.54 from the main pot
Rake: €3
why he called my reraise on the turn who knows maybe he thought he had hearts lol but he prob thought he could catch a Q or J or bluff it.
Here is another one that i could not believe he folded. This may look like an insane thing to do from me but this guy played every hand or prob 95% i just thought you know what i am fecking good here and if not i will get it back soon
** UTG 1 (Low) – Min €8 [Hold'em] (0.20|0.40 NL - Cash Game) Real Money
Hero sitting in seat 1 with €88.85 Gifted sitting in seat 2 with €34.46 BillyJE4n sitting in seat 3 with €40.00[Dealer] Jsis2k sitting in seat 4 with €35.16 TheJyn sitting in seat 6 with €153.32 Jsis2k posted the small blind - €0.20 TheJyn posted the big blind - €0.40
** Dealing cards to FullChip: Ac, 9s Hero raised to €1.20 Gifted folded BillyJE4n folded Jsis2k folded TheJyn raised to €3.20 Hero called - €3.20
** Dealing the flop: 9d, Js, 8c TheJyn bet - €6.40 Hero raised to €16.00 TheJyn raised to €25.60 Hero called - €25.60
** Dealing the turn: 8s TheJyn bet - €54.80 Hero went all-in - €60.05 TheJyn folded Hero mucks: Hero wins €169.65 from the main pot
Rake: €3
this guy was pretty bad and had got the better of me and the rest of the table for about 2 hours it was so sick how he out flopped monsters so much and much more, the billy guy lost loads to him with As Qs and so on. He had me down to 8 euros at one point from 40 buy in but i made a come back and left the table with 240 euros. I must of sat there for about 3 hours maybe more but his luck ran out in the end
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I see these guys too every once in a while. They play any two cards while raising the pot, so very quickly you are playing for a big pot, and if the board looks scary (possible flush, straight, or board has paired) they will jam at it to try and scare you off. But if you shove and they don't have anything they will fold for just a few more chips. Nice for you that you stayed and got the better of him!
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Lool, what a crazy guy. Grats to you that you kept your patience and in the end it payed off. The second hand is my favourite, betting €55 and then folding a € 5 raise, absolut great, lol
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Super fish indeed mate, as migo stated above congratulations for the nerve you had to be patience while playing him
Many time this kind of guys can get you on your nerves especailly if you don't have such a good mood and can take advantage of you, but as you proved if you have the mood, you can wait and make a nice profit in the end
Big congratulations once again, and i have to say that every day i'm surprised to see what kind of maniacs are hitting the poker tables nowadays, and it's sad that sometimes they have luck and get stacks from good players
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I also had such kind of fish at my table yesterday evening (PFR 70%). Unfortunately I didn´t got a right hand to get his stake. I only won 2 or 3 small pots against this guy. Maybe next time.
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do you think he hit the wrong button???folding when it was 5euros more makes no sense,why didnt he just push instead of raising 55?i hope your tagging him and finding his table every time hes on... .nice profit well done...
Joined: Jul '11
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Congratulations to you. The way go you will be rich quite soon. I realize that you are a good player and thinker. Keep on with this strategy and you will win. I hope one day I win too. kkkkkkk
Joined: May '09
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jajaja well it is very funny to play with this kind of clown see how much money you did in just two hands when its just good players in a table it is not so funny. anyway it is what i said before in other post you can see clowns in every table stakes no just cents.
Haha, worst move/fold i've seen in a while! I guess he tried to represent a straight, but who knows... What a donk! Nice job staying there and playing the maths against him
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I'm going to vote that it was a misclick, there's no sane reason why he'd fold the last $5, especially on a pot that massive. I have seen strange folds like that though, especially during bubble play at a SNG. I remember one time a guy made a similar, but not quite so drastic fold, and I questioned him on the fold (thinking it was possibly an attempt at collusion).
He rationed that since it was the bubble and he didn't have a very strong hand, it was a good fold.
I think the best thing isn't to question fishes logic, just to laugh and mark them for the future Never tap the glass as they say