i need help verifying my account with 24hour poker they have seen all that i have but i do not have a passport or driving licence?? im a uk resident what id should i apply for??
OK thanks for that i will need to apply for a British citizenship card... costs me and ill have to wait weeks to get it. notice they don't tell you this when you make a deposit they let you know when you try to withdraw something from their account.
Joined: Jan '11
Location: United States
Age: 61 (M)
Posts: 3361
They surely would accept a Birth Certificate! Maybe you can scan them a copy of this, but I'm not sure what type of access they have in the UK to such documents. Here in the U.S. ebveryone receives a copy of their birth certificate, but then when requesting for a passport one must get verification by having another document called "Proof of Birth Certificate". Good Luck!