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BankrollMob Forum » Off-Topic » Pokerstars fail january by me

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Somone sad if i will play like this that i will loose all to nothing , well maybe maybe not , as well these are thoses video , where i was shurely ahead but got bumped ... Here is another one , where i was almost 99 % shure i gonna win this when the cards where shown , but as always doesn't matter how do you play or how good you gonna play ...

Edited by Samarietis (01 February 2014 @ 00:34 GMT)

just watched ur hands man. well...... Ur style is no that bad but u gotta know mirco limmits are bit diffrent games. AA is a easy push pre floop ( at the early stages) 33 - LIMP LIMP LIMP!!! MAYBE IT gotta work on sunday million but....... I had a really bad bid today on 2.20 euro tourney. blind were 300/600 and I had about 4600 chips in my stack. I raised to 1800 trying to steal some blinds. 3 players paid me. floop 89K rainbow. And I just pushed 2 others fold and one whs left made insta call (he had about 5000 chip when the hand starts) He had KQ turn Q river 2 Sad Does he play it right ? yes he is, did I played it right? I have no doubt about it. but its a poker. to playing tourneys its not just about u poker skills. 1 u need a proper bankroll BUT I rather forget about this rule than playng 360max turbos 0.50 SnG. 2 . U can manage u bankroll more agressive if u tacticaly choice tournaments to play. Look for prize structure, late reg, number of players. I like 2.20 euro tourney (pstars) cuz there is 1000 euro guarantee and never reach more than 1000 players, late reg is 60 minutes, average placec paid are 108-135 . then I trying some The big tourneys like 2.20 , 5.50 and even 8.80 u can register there just befor the late reg ends. playing stealing blinds and AJ+ 55+ sarting hand and with 70 % u are in prizes. And once more. the bankorll manegment its a good thinks but in my opinion for example if u ave 50 dollars bankroll u cand play 5.50 tourney once a week and the other time u ll play 1.10 1.35 tourneys. I agrre about 100 buy ins rule but only if u have 1000 dollars bankroll and playng 5 - 11 dollars buy in tourneys. MY POINT IS mircro limmits are so many donks and luckers. than may u have 1000000000000000000+ buy ins to play there but remember the max prize u can get on 0.50 sng is about 25 dollars (360 max) 1.10 tourneys fist placec are about 400 - 1000 average but its rarely to get there. U can losser all ur bankroll even plaing 990 2 cents tourneys and u will get no expiriance of proper poker play there cuz its a donkament. I preffer to play proper MTT and its all up to u.

Edited by stanjonhson (02 February 2014 @ 00:44 GMT)

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BankrollMob Forum » Off-Topic » Pokerstars fail january by me

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