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Don't want to enter this serious debate.
Only want to add that Putin is a personal friend of our Berlusconi:in my eyes it's agreat reason no to trust him

Posted by magatt966:
Don't want to enter this serious debate.
Only want to add that Putin is a personal friend of our Berlusconi:in my eyes it's agreat reason no to trust him

Mmmmmmmmm...... that makes me wonder if Putin has attended any of Berlusconi's famous 'Bunga Bunga' parties....for a little Caligula-esque action??? Big Smile< lol...

After all,...Putin's naked from the waiste up half the time anyhow... whether he's hunting shirtless, or wrestling tigers,...riding horses, and whatever else...!

They were talking about which surrounding countries were siding up with who in this little debacle...

...I guess Italy's attitude is: Ahhhhh..... WHATever...... Big Smile

Well.... Heh... I gotta say something. I m half Russian and half Bulgarian. But really feel myself europeian. I like cosmopolity, mean the human cilivazation the only future is to stay united and maybe cut out some cancers like dictature and ect. My ex girlfriend is Ukranian, she lives in Kiev so I called her in case I was afraid about her life really. then I have connection with Russia Ukraine and european union as well. And what I really thing ALL OF POLITICS like Angela merkel Barak and others are really selfesh and hypocrite. Putin is not perfect too. But Russian had enough of been damned (here shuold be another word starts with f) up by west. But the point is this is all about the politica leaders bussiness, the pople, I mean ordinary people who just want to leave and be happy with their lifes have nothing to do with hateness that medias propaganda. People, stay united. I have friends almost all over the world. And dont wanna be a marionete of country politic. Be yourselfs and keep it going. I love Ukraine its a beatifull county Kiev is cosmopolite city. Just feeling sick when all these damn things around are happening.

G'day mate

I think someone should just shot the crazy former secret police bastard.
KJB / FSB anyone
The man is scum from the old school
treat him as such and dust him old schools style
be cool

Ronin Cool

Posted by RoninHarper:
G'day mate

I think someone should just shot the crazy former secret police bastard.
KJB / FSB anyone
The man is scum from the old school
treat him as such and dust him old schools style
be cool

Ronin Cool

OUCH....Ronin my man....!!! Didn't think you had it in you...!

You always seemed so peaceful and pleasant to me...filled with good wishes for everyone... Smile

..but ya,...I agree... He's nothing but an old cold war mentality KGB killer...who the olygarchs own...

The guy who REALLY needs to be gotten here is that criminal Yanukovych...

I remember in the news about 8 or 10 years ago about just HOW that creep got so called 'elected'... which was a pile of bull$hit...

Victor Yushchenko actually won the election, then it was contested in the courts by Yanukovych... and the crooked court found in Yanukovych's favour.

...and somewhere in all that fraudulent stuff going on,...Yushchenko SOMEHOW magically got poisoned with some Agent Orange like substance which permanently disfigured him and almost KILLED him...

It also turns out that Yanukovych has been draining the Ukrainian economy of BILLIONS of dollars over the years and living in absolute luxury while the Ukrainian economy has been going down the toilet and people have been suffering as a result.

And to add insult to injury, he has been supported by the Russian olygarchy and Putin all the while...their plan set up their crooked Russian Central Asian Empire.

Another player here is Yulia Tymoshenko, who also opposed Yanukovych and somehow got thrown in jail for some phoney reason....!

If you oppose these folks, you will either wind up in jail or dead...!

I don't profess to be an expert on all this,'s all rather complex,...but I know a rat when I smell one... Confused

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