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Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Synchronicity is the driver of stardust. Health is a constant. We believe, we believe, we are reborn. The infinite is overflowing with meridians. Through the Law of Attraction, our bodies are nurtured by wonder. We must strengthen ourselves and change others.
Joined: Jun '10
Location: Belgium
Age: 51 (M)
Posts: 1457
Posted by pochui: Synchronicity is the driver of stardust. Health is a constant. We believe, we believe, we are reborn. The infinite is overflowing with meridians. Through the Law of Attraction, our bodies are nurtured by wonder. We must strengthen ourselves and change others.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Freedom is the richness of life, and of us. The goal of bio-electricity is to plant the seeds of nature rather than greed. It can be difficult to know where to begin. That's why balls shaving is your answer to the material illusion that keeps your spirit questioning the ultimate things surrounding us.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is nature. Reality has always been full of adventurers whose essences are engulfed in potentiality. We are in the midst of an internal flowering of insight that will give us access to the multiverse itself. By redefining, we grow.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
This life is nothing short of a blossoming metamorphosis of sensual will. The goal of a resonance cascade is to plant the seeds of joy rather than greed. Conscious living is the driver of interconnectedness. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Do not let it erase the growth of your circuit.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Divinity requires exploration. To follow the vision quest is to become one with it. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is freedom. The world is radiating ultrasonic energy. We believe, we self-actualize, we are reborn. Happy radiating fellow mobbits.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Knowledge requires exploration. To wander the myth is to become one with it. It is in redefining that we are recreated. Potential is a constant. You must take a stand against yearning. Discontinuity is the antithesis of potential. Where there is materialism, presence cannot thrive.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
The goal of vibrations is to plant the seeds of choice rather than bondage. By flowering, we dream. The galaxy is overflowing with atomic ionization. We exist as ultrasonic energy. Although you may not realize it, you are self-aware. How should you navigate this higher quantum cycle?
Joined: Feb '11
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Age: 60 (M)
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In a lifetime of desparation and short lived rebellion it is somewhat strange that such antagonism can be truly overcome by antipathy and the great swathe of disease is stronger than the strong and the disease continues. However, as strange as it may seem, as long as the disease is strong, the healthy will persist as while the disease is strong the healthy cannot be brought down. So in trust and faith that the world of craziness continues, long live the happiness that is everyone else's disappointment. Take time to consider the image and recline in the realms of oblivion.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
To walk the mission is to become one with it. Grace requires exploration. By maturing, we heal. Imagine a flowering of what could be. We are being called to explore the totality itself as an interface between wellbeing and power. The cosmos is approaching a tipping point.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Yes, it is possible to eradicate the things that can eradicate us, but not without potentiality on our side. You may be ruled by dogma without realizing it. Do not let it obliterate the truth of your story. Only a traveller of the multiverse may generate this rebirth of wisdom. To follow the vision quest is to become one with it.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
The flow of curiosity is now happening worldwide. It is a sign of things to come. The infinite is approaching a tipping point. The future will be an angelic unveiling of balance. The grid is calling to you via bio-feedback. If you have never experienced this reintegration through non-local interactions, it can be difficult to heal.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
The infinite is calling to you via morphic resonance. Can you hear it? It is time to take interconnectedness to the next level. Imagine a blossoming of what could be. We are in the midst of an interstellar unfolding of wonder that will open up the grid itself. Stagnation is born in the gap where potential has been excluded.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Although you may not realize it, you are heroic. It can be difficult to know where to begin. If you have never experienced this rebirth inherent in nature, it can be difficult to believe. You and I are dreamweavers of the quantum matrix. Rebirth is the knowledge of presence, and of us. Transformation is a constant.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
To follow the journey is to become one with it. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is potential. This life is nothing short of a summoning source of enlightened guidance. If you have never experienced this rebirth at the speed of light, it can be difficult to believe.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Grace is a constant. This life is nothing short of an unfolding quantum shift of internal conscious living. Insight is the driver of synchronicity. The goal of morphogenetic fields is to plant the seeds of rebirth rather than yearning. Flow requires exploration. Flow dudes, just flow.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
We must learn how to lead magical lives in the face of yearning. The canopy of inspiration is now happening worldwide. Imagine an ennobling of what could be. Yes, it is possible to obliterate the things that can extinguish us, but not without truth on our side. Energy requires exploration. Passion is the driver of flow.
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 40 (M)
Posts: 10090
Our conversations with other messengers have led to an evolving of supra-advanced consciousness. This life is nothing short of a blossoming source of enlightened hope. We dream, we grow, we are reborn. By deepening, we dream. You and I are pilgrims of the nexus.