Joined: Jan '11
Location: Romania
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 167
Posted by Prohorse3: how about the addition of some support during poker hours even if there is just 1 hour where support could answer at our questions.
ive only been a member for a little while now but i havent seen support online or around at poker hours so therefore this request.
Idk what others think but wouldnt it be nice? (what do you think)
i don t think you need support when you have such a big comunitty that jumps to your help every time you post something..just can use email support 100% relliable ..
Joined: Nov '11
Location: Netherlands
Age: 32 (M)
Posts: 95
great support from community as we speak about brm freeroll on high pulse poke ... (pissed off mood sorry) another wasted oppurtunity to climb the ranks as ill be dropping again now seeing the community didnt notify me and emailing support wouldnt have been fast enough.
i admit i missed 1 on my own accord but the tourney on the 15th is simply the error of high pulse poker which bankrollmob didnt notify me about as i said support around poker hours should be considered
kinda strange as i made this request before the tourney started and suddenly it seems to have popped up without notification of anyone being able to tell whats going on