Joined: Oct '14
Location: Serbia
Age: 34 (M)
Posts: 4358
I am playing 5,50$ the jab on party poker, and I got in situation... I had in cutoff AQoff, blinds were 150/300 (starting stack is 30k, 2nd lvl of tournament) evryone folds to me, I open 660, fold to blinds, and SB had near 40k stack, he 3-bet to around 2300, BB call... flop comes AT6 with 2 hearts... it goes check check, and I bet 3300 in pot of 7k... and SB shoves and BB folds... now I am in tuff spot, and I wasnt paying attention, because I was playing spins aside, and didnt see how he plays, and how he got to 40k stack... what is correct play here? call and pray he have AJ or flush drow... or just fold? I folded because he 3-bet preflop, and he could easy have AK, maybe AT, or overplaying some PP... or he could have AQ and it is chop... I need your opinions...
in such a situation it is necessary to recall how this player has played before .. and of course he could bluff but you have not checked it ... and probably right ... very unpleasant hope that your opponent is bluffing and as a result of losing a lot of chips
Joined: Mar '11
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 55 (M)
Posts: 7371
Its always very difficult to get away from top pair with a good kicker in a heads up situation. His play does look pretty strong and i think i would have folded in the same position and wait to get a better spot
Well, tough spot if you don't know this particular player obviously. I would be very tempted to cal because of the size of the bet. It is too big for a value bet so it looks like a bluff. But donks don't know that so it's always polarizing spots. The fact that he 3bets on SB makes me think he could be a donk. Considering he check/raised on the flop he looks strong but that doesn't mean he is. He could have 1010, A10s, 66 or A6s. You beat all the other hands except AK and I doubt he would check/shove with AK there. That would be a weird play.
I'm thinking the only hands you beat that aren't bluffs are KK, QQ and JJ. or Perhaps AQ, AJ, A9, A8 or A7 but I doubt he would 3bet that on the button even if theyre suited. But it's possible. Maybe that's what he had but you'll never know. Purely read based decision IMO. If you think the guy is a solid player then it's an easy fold though.
Edited by TheMachineQC (07 February 2017 @ 20:53 GMT)