Off to a decent start in the Hot series 0.55 cent MTT. Currently sititng arolund top 10ish and playing pretty well.
This is the hand thats made me top 10ish...
Just lost a hand top 30 now.
Will update when i have a moment later on .
------------ Still okay in the Hot tourney but also running hot in a Hyper turbo 0.27 cent on Stars.
Top 10 and about 50 or so away from cashing. looking to take down and boost the BR.
I'll be back soon
------------ Holy s**t now 2/26 in the Hyper Turbo.
------------ ouch out in the 0.27 cent hyper in 8th. Blinds killed me later on and shoulda picked better hand to go in with.
8th for 3.28 and only one bullet so more than 3.00 profit. not enough but better than a kick in the pants.
So close again boys and girls maybe I'll actually come through one of these days.
Out in the Hot .55 cent as well min cashed after pushing AJ into Queens.
Night all and hopefully some more stories later today from your boy TheIrish77!
I'm out!
Edited by TheIrish77 (28 February 2017 @ 08:13 GMT)