Joined: Dec '12
Location: New Zealand
Age: 34 (M)
Posts: 504
once you get 5000 points or more you can request cash out to the 3 places currently available skrill, partypoker and neteller under the 'use points' tab in your mob points section
Posted by ibnukh: does anyone know how to collect the points, I am confused because I do not understand
The most reliable way is to write messages on the forum .... the second way to play games on BRM (the calendar in this case is the most simple and most importantly a free way .... but the safe and lottery I did not submit ... but on the BRM There are several people who open a safe very often)
Joined: May '08
Location: Lithuania
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 10090
well it's really tough work i can reveal you, better just find a well paid job, but if you insist- once you start with 0 mobpoints, well first few mobpoints come right in for your account registration- use them for mobdraw or to buy some safe shots- then just hope that fortune shows her booty to you... then come the hard work- writing epic bullsh1t in exchange for mobpoints, mind you that only epic bullsh1t gets rewarded, so do try to brush brush up on your writing skills.