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Please help with this hand which wins?  -1   
Ok wtf I am playin Omaha on 888 poker how the hell did I lose both these hands ? images attached

am I missing somthng here or do I need to call support

I had more chips then them before the hand

Edited by xpok3rkingx (30 June 2017 @ 13:25 GMT)

Attached Imageshow.jpg how2.jpg

You play Omaha high/low as far as i cann see

First hand there is no low, but in the high hand your opponent has the better kicker to the set of 5s.

Second hand you split the high, but your opponent has the better low hand

Posted by xpok3rkingx:
Ok wtf I am playin Omaha on 888 poker how the hell did I lose both these hands ? images attached

am I missing somthng here or do I need to call support

I had more chips then them before the hand

lol ! i also get confused with this sorry crap.

just play the normal omaha? Hi/Low is so much potsharing.. not worth imo, just rake.

Any varietion of Omaha is much more fun to play. But I simply can't handle the complexity of Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Low! Even a regular Pot Limit Omaha is so confusing for me. Good luck with your games, xpok3rkingx.

in first hand there is no low pot, and he won with set of 5 with A kicker, you had Q kicker, in second hand, you 2 split high pot with AK and he won low pot... whats there to not understand?

Posted by StheP:
in first hand there is no low pot, and he won with set of 5 with A kicker, you had Q kicker, in second hand, you 2 split high pot with AK and he won low pot... whats there to not understand?

Everything is absolutely right ... I recommend to the person who wrote this post to study the rules of the game in Omaha and after that it's not too surprising when at a more interesting and strong card on the hands in the end losing ... in general, learn the rules

You can see in the screenshots, where it says the winning hands. "Low"
If you are not familiar with this game, better not play money games with it.
Start with freerolls. It is an easy one to learn, but can be troublesome at some point,
with the splits.

Hello my friends and fellow mobster

I totally agree with Mober you need to learn better this poker variant before you go playing hardcore Confused
This kind of poker is very hard at least for me and with so much math that I tried but got out pretty fast Aww crap! Aww crap! maybe in a near future I will have a go at it again Confused

Don´t worry be happy and enjoy life

little tip for you if you are begginer... open hands that have great value low and high like A2KJ for example that can hit hard low and high pot, and dont pump the pot when you have strong hand only low or only high... also you could be aggresive when you have nut low or nut high and try to get him off from pot because for sure you will win at least half of pot (unless you are splitting) that is just few begginers tips Blink

xPok3rkingx..... oh dear.... you really do need to brush up on your understanding of the rules of Omaha and Omaha hi/lo. The outcome of both of these games is absolutely correct, as explained in various posts above. Additionally, in the second hand, you couldn't have started with more chips than the other guy cos you are shown as all in and he is not! Keep smiling and keep learning.

urgh pot limit omaha is a s**t fest at low stakes even worse is hi/lo ... nothing to do with the thread just wanted to say. At higher stakes it could be different but you can nail the flop but they will chase because its affordable due to the limit

A very interesting game is Omaha the first time I played I lost $ 5 Smile there was no second time Big Smile I played several more but free tournaments I've read the rules but in practice I can not get it I do not play more Omaha Smile and this omaha hi/lo ? Oh my God Smile

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