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jeez some dudes are born under a lucky star... I suffered badly with colossal amount of mobsafe shots (800 to be precise) and ended up with teared anus for my efforts and now out of the blue come this dude and cracks the safe 3 times in a single day using just 450 shots... now that's epic.
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It is not an epic. He was lucky to choose the correct numbers. It happens rare but as we all know recordings can easily be knocked down. These do not know if it's a record because i saw the safe cracked by another user three times but i do not know how many Mob shoots he used.
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Hello my friends and fellow mobsters WOW that is a pretty lucky day and a amazing luck doing three times in the same day what some of us never done so far wITH THAT KIND OF LUCK i WILL RACING TO THE NEAR CASINO AND PUT HER TO THE TEST
Stay cool and enjoy life ,once again well done man
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Posted by CALICUL: It is not an epic. He was lucky to choose the correct numbers. It happens rare but as we all know recordings can easily be knocked down. These do not know if it's a record because i saw the safe cracked by another user three times but i do not know how many Mob shoots he used.
can you tell us who was this and when this happend?because lot of us cant remember of this,that somebody guessed combinations three times in row on same day!and with not so many mob shots!for me its epic thing!
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What a great victory, i've never heard of something like that here! This is your day mobster! Save that date on your calendar, lets see what happens next year on this same date! Spend it wizely!!!
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I've never seen that 3 times in a row opens the safe I think the dule-vu is right roninharper had a successful series but nobody had this kind of series,what our member has done is incredible Well done
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Yes really hard to understand how it is real to win the monsafe game for three times in one day, I think you have to be super lucky and this day you need to play lottery and go to local casino too I think this day was your lucky day. Nice dtory for all to read, good luck to you in the future too.
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you have to be lucky and to know from what number to start,when you hit right combination for first time!maybe you have enough shot for another ,but from where to start!so he had great feeling for this!I think that this will be record and that nobody will do three times in one day ever!
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maybe you will succeed one day dule-vu when you collect 800 attempts again It is not difficult just to hit one time after that is easy I'm joking, of course I think this will be unattainable record
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Posted by dule-vu: can you tell us who was this and when this happend?because lot of us cant remember of this,that somebody guessed combinations three times in row on same day!and with not so many mob shots!for me its epic thing!
You will find the user who won three times in a row 1-2 years ago if you ask the administrator. The BankrollMob site has 700,000 users this think can happen. There are so many days a year and so many mobsters who wants to cracked the Mob Safe. I'd like to ask the admin to answer this question because i have seen the user who cracked 3 times but for his name i do not remember.
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well I will not ask admin for this kind of things for sure!we dont have pm or anything and new thread will not open for sure!its strange that nobofy of us cant remember of this,only you!I dont say that you lie,but its strange that nobody else dont know for this success few years ago,that somebody cracked safe three time in row on same day!
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Really does not make sense to bother admin for such questions,it's not even that important that you are the one who is right or the dule-vu is right there is no need to argue about this Calicul our member three times in a row hit the code took a good sum of money
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However, it would be interesting to know how much time it takes for such things to happen. Because it certainly does not happen every day. Great congratulations to the handsome hands, rare fortune.
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Wow lucky you. Theres lot of members probably tried for years to crack open the safe yet you didnt jst guess once but three times in a single day. Way to go buddy ! Enjoy the winnings and win more and more and more. 😅😅😅
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Posted by dule-vu: well I will not ask admin for this kind of things for sure!we dont have pm or anything and new thread will not open for sure!its strange that nobofy of us cant remember of this,only you!I dont say that you lie,but its strange that nobody else dont know for this success few years ago,that somebody cracked safe three time in row on same day!
I made a thread and i asked the administrator of this site The BankrollMob who was the one who succeeded to cracked the safe three time in a row. Let's see what the answer will give. It is not impossible and it will certainly happen in the future if the site continues with these prizes. Until then we still have to wait.
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You might be right Calicul but that is not so important ,the fact is that it is really unbelievable three times in a row to hit the cod I can only congratulate on such success I would like each of us to be able to achieve this success good luck
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Posted by vaci38: You might be right Calicul but that is not so important ,the fact is that it is really unbelievable three times in a row to hit the cod I can only congratulate on such success I would like each of us to be able to achieve this success good luck
I will not be able to do this consecutively 3 times because i will try to open the Mob safe with 800 Mob Shots only when the prize will be 40 $. If I succeed i will not try it again for 20 $. I will stop there and i will try to gather again 800 Mob Shots to try again for another 40 dollars prize just like another user who has done this often.
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I would like if I collect again 800 shots,that I exchange them for some other prize of mob points!I dont have nervs to click again so many times and not win again!its enough for two times that I didnt guess right combination!
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I would like to gather at least 500 attempts and then I'll try to open the safe I got another 50 mobsafe shots and now I have 200 attempts I wish I had the luck to open a safe from the first 100 attempts so with the other 400 try again to open the safe
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I would give you my shots if I collect so much of my shots!I really dont have nervs to click again and to miss!I think that I have over 100 shots now on account!wish you luck when you collect more shots and when you will try again!