Joined: Sep '16
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Age: 36 (M)
Posts: 201
Posted by jymmy80: My bankroolmob ticket expire today And y ca-n se no turney
Why you not registered before and used your ticket,you have acount on bankroolmob from 2009 and this promo are more started on begining 2018, thats your fault pizda bug pula......
Posted by jymmy80: My bankroolmob ticket expire today And y ca-n se no turney
if I understand correctly, these flights will be valid for other tournaments in which the buy-in is one dollar .... I read it in one of the messages on this forum ... I do not remember which branch .... in general, do not worry and just try make registration for such a tournament .... good luck
whats the use off mentioning it here on the forum,.' Why dont adress it to a pm to a admin ore moderator,.. I think this whole issue can be fixxed easliy ore you made a mistake,,. Iff not then bankrollmob ore the mentioned poker site will fix this Better to pm private
Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13862
jimmy if you are in Romania do not play here anymore because this room has no license and you you will receive the fine on deposit when someone will see...