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Player 5 should got it. He had almost 9bb and you only got 5. You lose before him. This things happen. It called bubble and sometimes if you want to cash you should fold this kind of hand. Maybe sounds incredible but it´s in the rigth choise. Player 6 had only 2.5 bb. Next time wait that short stack lose, then you play. If you´re the shortest, well its´different
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all players had more chips than you. This is the reason. The other players had a weaker hands but your stack was the smallest and this means you lost even if you had a better card.
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Yes, no justice with your hand, but tecnically correct. You all loose at the same time, and the order of leave the room is shorts first. You all do not stay there arguing who lost less...
Joined: Mar '11
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Posted by ligador37: Player 5 should got it. He had almost 9bb and you only got 5. You lose before him. This things happen. It called bubble and sometimes if you want to cash you should fold this kind of hand. Maybe sounds incredible but it's in the rigth choise. Player 6 had only 2.5 bb. Next time wait that short stack lose, then you play. If you're the shortest, well its'different
About "" Next time wait that short stack lose, then you play.'''' My friend, with 5BB i was feel like Jesus to shove with QQ.