Joined: Oct '08
Location: Germany
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 2025
this days are over when you recieved a 50$ bonus right away at registration. some rooms offer 5-20$, but it depends on your country and mostly its only a "deposit" bonus. just use google.
Joined: Oct '16
Location: Argentina
Age: 70 (M)
Posts: 2597
Posted by naagza: ended up depositing to breakout, but found out no SNGS lol
If you are looking for a poker´s room that be good for you, I advice you that can try with the "Reviews" sections (in the menu above). There explain all the stadistics of the rooms, wich alow tracker´s programs you can use in them, wich promotions have in course, etc. Inclusive you can made there you own reviews and make some Mob Points. The advantage to made an acount trhough Bank Roll Mob is the acces from exclusive freerolls and other gift stuff. Good luck whit it!!