Joined: Jan '09
Location: Netherlands
Age: 42 (M)
Posts: 18
I took the BRM 20 freespin bonus, won a few credits and completed the play-through with about 100 euros in real money left in my account. Not bad right? A day later I went back to IviCasino to make a small deposit, upload ID and finally CASH OUT, but IviCasino blocked my account without even contacting me. Can´t get into my account anymore for what reason? Because I won 100 EUR from a N/D bonus? and not contacting me about blocking my account with money on it? IviCasino is one for the red list scam casino´s
Joined: Nov '18
Location: Germany
Age: 26 (F)
Posts: 1
Dear DuveL,
Thank you for contacting us. According to our data, your account was closed due to violation of following points of Terms and Conditions: 1. P. 4.8 "People who live in the following countries do not have the right to open casino account: Netherlands, France, Dutch West Indies, Israel, Moldova, United Kingdom, USA and its territories" and 2. P. 4.3 "The Company does not pursue the purpose of providing services that do not comply with the applicable laws of your jurisdiction. By registering an account with ivicasino, you agree and accept the fact that the services provided are in compliance with your local applicable laws and regulations. The duty to familiarize, as well as comply with regulations and laws governing gambling in this or that country region lies entirely on the player. Any illegal or unintentional use of the services of the site is solely your decision and should not be the responsibility of the Company" .
In case of any questions, you can contact us in Live-Chat or at [email protected] and we will be glad to answer you anytime. We apologize for inconvenience brought by the situation and sincerely hope for understanding.
Joined: Mar '09
Location: Greece
Age: 47 (F)
Posts: 14196
Well it seems logical from one point, if your country is not allowed to play there, by reading their terms and conditions. On the other hand, i cant understand how you managed to pen an account there, since they do not accept players from your country. Shouldnt be auto by the software, like a drop down menu, with only the allowed countries listed, during the registration? So many sites have this feature...
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 23020
if you had this rules,that they dont take players from your country,then they are right and you made big mistake!just hope that you didnt invest anything from your own money and that everything will finish good for both sides!now you must choose casino who will let you to play from your country!