The World Poker Tour has renamed the WPT Champions Cup, their main tour trophy, after long-time WPT commentator Mike Sexton.
Mike Sexton served as lead commentator for the first 15 seasons, and won the WPT title himself in Montreal in 2016. The trophy, which bears the names of every WPT main tour winner etched on the base, shall now be called the "Mike Sexton WPT Champions Cup".
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I dont understand this change and why they need to to this!yes,he is legend,especially when he was commentator,but to make something like just because of one title is silly!it will be big honor for him ofcourse,but to have now this name,even he isnt dead,its stupid!
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Mike Sexton is fortunate to have the honor of having a huge tournament named after him. He is one of the most successful poker players and definitely deserves some favors or facilities from casinos or many professional rivals.
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Yes this man was the face of Party Poker for a long time. All the message that I recieved from them were firmed by Mike Sexton and add his photo face. I feel his gace and name like someone really known, but I don´t know anything about him. Here I noticed that he was a champion...
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yes,he is legend,he played poker,he was commentator,he had shares of party poker,but still this is too much for me and they could wait for something like this!its not like he is dead and that he is gone too early,that they need to give this name to trophy!lot of years are in front of him and somebody else could have his name on this trophy!
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Life is a game, like this Mike Sexton said and even if he plagiarized or not, these words tell the truth. This man is a poker ambassador just like many others, but his results are good enough to get the name of a big tournament.
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He really deserves this honor for his achievemrnts for poker and his contribution to familiarise the public and the rest of the world with the poker , with the tournaments and the excitement of participating in them , his contribution also to WPT and Partypoker he has won one of these titles , he has proven he is a very good player and a fan of this game , he really loves it , so he deserves this honor Congratulations to him
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but isnt strange for all of you that somebody who is chairman of party poker,that he get title like this and to have his name on it?its same that you are chairman of some company and you give name of something by you!its not south korea for god sake!but ok,every member have his opinion!if he is dead or something like that or that he have nothing with party poker,I would understand that,but now just dont!
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Values are rewarded in most areas and these things should be everywhere. Performers have talent, mind, physical condition, concentration etc ... and for that ( to win 1st place ) they try to make good results. Respect is a beautiful gesture. Awards the same.
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"Those who achieve SUCCESS are those that take a DREAM and make it come true." ,this is a very nice quote to have in life as a guide , follow it , follow your dreams . He had a dream for sure , he fought to make it a reality , he achived it with the help of some people , he also had success on the felt , now he is honoured with this recognition by WPT for everything he has done in relation to poker . He deserves it
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In a few years there will be many tournaments, that will have the names of professional players who have died or are alive. As a sign of gratitude this will happen and it is something good, because as a comparison in other sports the resorts are named after great athletes / footballers etc...
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He was the one to have the idea of such kind of a tournament , where you wouldn't get your seat with a direct biu on , but with a victory in a WPT event you are qualified for it gfor all your life . It's his idea , he deserves this trophy to be named after him , what more fair than this , besides anything else (like his contribution to the poker worldwide or his personal achievements on the poker games )
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I think he also contributed to advertising... in this field called poker, because he is an American professional commentator and there he learned many strategies from professional players. This tournament deserves its name but it is normal for other famous gamblers to receive same in other games.