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well, reading through your bankroll building, it's a really nice and persistent achievement. it's great when someone is so patient and thus slowly certain to be successful. great and I'm getting back! I hope your persistence is long-term and that your visible results will only grow and multiply! good luck with your next game
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
Hello again after a long time. I' ve been kinda "half active" opening some doors, but didn't read and writte on the forum. So... that i will not open new thread. Let's start again this year with gg freebies and let's see what i can get out of it. I will sure not pllay every day, when i will be more busy later, but will keep updating. So let's start from zero and go to litlle hero haha.
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
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So first day i play it was battle royal ticket. Fun fact i eliminated 5 players, get to the final table, last 5 players, but eliminated first AQ vs.99. And what is total that i get? 0,57 cents haha. Yesterday i forgot to play spin'n gold ticket... today was another batlle royal i eliminated one player for 5 cents haha. So my bankrol now is: 0,62$
------------ Today i play spin'n go, the prize was only 2x. So 0,50$. Players here are totaly crazy. Just must play hands. Limp, call in doesn't matter. All the same haha. You must just play abc win some flips and there it is. So today i win vs. i would say it not so good players. 0,50 to added. My bankrol now is: 1,12$
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Rogerio10, I see you haven't written about these challenges on GG poker for a long time... I see you have a crazy bankroll Anyway, I wish you good luck and patience, so that you can build up your bankroll to a reasonable amount... More than once I managed to multiply a few cents money so much that I later paid reasonable money out of it... Good luck
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
Posted by dule-vu: Good luck rogerio!
Thank you Dule!
Posted by tomex11: Rogerio10, I see you haven't written about these challenges on GG poker for a long time... I see you have a crazy bankroll Anyway, I wish you good luck and patience, so that you can build up your bankroll to a reasonable amount... More than once I managed to multiply a few cents money so much that I later paid reasonable money out of it... Good luck
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
A litlle update. I play all the games this week, since i start "24" project. The games are of course soft on this micro micro limits. I have some luck do win one batlle royal and i get from another 10 cents from two konck outs haha. On spin'n gold i didn't have so much luck, didn't win the biggest yesterday and not even smallest. Br:3,62$
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
New update. Yesterday i had much stuff to do in real life, so i didn't make to play 0,25 spin'n go. Today is batlle royal ticket time. I win all the flips and with a litlle bit of luck i win the tourney again and can ad 2,50$ to br. I have a great run on those games, spin'n go i win just one ticket of all i since i start playing again. Br: 6,12$
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
I play all days inlcludin this day. But was realy unlucky with the flips. Still didn't win a single spin'ngo since i start this new project. Today for example all in pre KQ vs. TJ flop Qjx, turn blank and T on river, loose all in for big chip lead. So the bankroll is actualy the same. Just keep fingers crosed for more luck in next days. Br:6,12
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Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
Posts: 1464
A litlle report for how it was the week of playing. I realy didn't have too much luck and didn't win 4 or 5 days in a row, No spins, not even a single knockut on batlle royal. But like it always is, the run was turning up in the last two day. Yesterday i win 0,25 spin for 0,50 and today i win another 1 dollar spin for 3 dollars. Br now is: 9,92$.
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Age: 33 (M)
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3rd day in a row that i run good. Today was batlle royal 0,25$ ticket. First stage i usualy just push all in solid hands and i have litlle luck, eliminated few players. Second rund too, all flips my way. And then the final 5 players, i managed to get out 4th. And win 0,85$ . Yesterday i writte wrond the bankroll was 9,62 not 9,92. So if i add today 0,85$ the bankroll curently is: 10,47$.
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Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
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Congratulations on your winnings and your game play. I see that you are managing to increase your bankroll at GG poker. Do you chase the leaderboard battle royal at $0.25? I play there my in game name is EyeOfSkadi, what is yours ?
Joined: Jan '12
Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
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Tnx first propokerash . I don't chase the leaderboard becouse i play only one game, when i have the ticket for it. But i see that i climb leaderboard when i eliminate few players, but that's it. Are you playing those games regulary? I will say hi, if i see you at the tables.
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Age: 60 (M)
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Hi. Playing just the free tickets from the GG Poker daily prizes can lead to some serious bankroll building. Last year I rolled over $100 from these free games. While it may only be 0.50c one day you can certainly increase your winnings if you take the games seriously with a view to building money over time. Good luck.