Joined: Jan '22
Location: Hungary
Age: 30 (M)
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Well, I find it very interesting how mobsafe was hacked on May 1st and May 2nd, that is, the same member hacked the chef twice!!! mobsafet. Congratulations geseco12
I've been playing for almost 5 years now and have NEVER been able to open the safe despite so many tries. My neighbor opened the safe twice in a year! Why is the mob so unfair to me?!
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its not unfair, you just can choose right combination and thats whole story, same as I didnt lot of years ago, then I just stop playing it and from then I have 5186 mob shots on my account! just dont like this game, dont want to spen hours on clicking and end of story for me! for you also depend how many shots you spend, its not easy to guess combination with for exaple 50 shots only!
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Congratulations to him . It's not usual , haven't seen it to tell the truth many times , but it might happen . Cracking the safe is very nice , not easy , but very nice when it happens . I guess it's better than the draw
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dule-vu I don't understand why you are about mobsef so positively? You have been a member for 10-11 years and unfortunately no you managed to hack mobsef all of a sudden, I can't stay calm for that long, I'm sure in your place!!! Especially what we can see in this forum is that geseco12 hacks one after another mobsafet. I'd love to make it happen for you as soon as possible, of course for me too!!! Good luck
------------ I didn't even write, I'm even laughing at myself, look at me like a translator fool
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I understand you, it doesn't work for me!!! I don't think I'll be able to crack the safe either!!! I spent about 300 mob points unnecessarily on it last time, now I'd rather collect them instead of spending them on mob games!!! I'll use the daily free opportunity and that's it.
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The Mobsafe is not my game. Similar reason than Dule-vu posted, to have a good chance to crack it you need two "things":
1. Enough shots. 2. A lot of time to use the shots.
I remember just one win long time ago (20$) due pure luck. And, in the other side, I remember several times trying it with 500-800 shots. And the luck was not on my side.
If I collect enough shot to have a reasonable chance to crack it will try again. But is not something I'm counting.
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Location: Hungary
Age: 30 (M)
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It's nice!!! I've only been using bankroll regularly for a few months and I've already lost my interest in this mobsafe game!!! I completely understand that you're bored, I haven't even tried one, but I'm definitely not going to spend money on it!!! I'm the same way with the mob calendar, 2 prizes in 3 months, I'd win at least 50 attempts for the chef, but unfortunately nothing.