Na akkor már én is írogatok magyarul ha neki lehet franciául és nincsennek következményei! szerintem lehetne a fórumon egy ilyen topic ahol mindenki a maga nyelvén írogat, Jó kis bábeli káosz lenne! bár mi magyarok mindenütt ott vagyunk!
------------ I'll write in Hungarian if he can write in French and there are no consequences! Big Smile I think we could have a topic like this on the forum where everyone writes in their own language, it would be a nice little chaos! Big Smile though we Hungarians are everywhere! this is a translation of my post above!
Joined: Jan '22
Location: Hungary
Age: 30 (M)
Posts: 297
It could be that everyone could write in their own language!!! Because everyone can translate, but once this is the rule, then everyone has to you have to accept and understand this. Good evening everyone, good luck and good luck!!!