Hello, greetings to all of you. Don't take this post as an attack or accusation of this website☝️however, I'm wondering if I'm the first to point this out or - which I'm not ruling out - the problem is on my side. This is "21casino.com" where their promotion, among other things, promises 21 free spins no Deposit bonus... It may happen that a person does not meet one of the conditions for receiving and therefore does not receive it... Ok... But what strikes me , that the mentioned free spins are supposed to be in the "Book of Death" game, which, however, which is what bothers me, is not on the 21casino.com website. During my request through support to delete the account, I was asked to explain the reason. When I explained the reason, I was told that they do not offer to delete the account, but that they will close it. appropriate places instead of helpfulness and help - which they have in the job description... Here are 3 screenshots that demonstrate how it works there
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 23020
for me, bigger problem is that on this casino site they offer something like this and that on main page they have this informations, so probably brm just post this offer, not that they give! so this casino give wrong informations and as I see they dont have lot of games from play n go company even this company have over 260 games! strange, but thats why is best to stay away from small casino sites!
As I say, I use a translator because of my poor knowledge of the English language. I don't claim that FS gives bankrollmob.com.. I just wonder if any of the administrators of this site know about it, that they are promoting false information about the casino 21casino.com ... This site has a lot of visitors and my opinion is that if someone does not wave their hand like me and starts to deal with the casino and which would rather block the account, it gives bad publicity to both sides. I got to the casino through this website, like many other players.
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 23020
no, no, your post was good and you said clearly that you dont blaim brm and yeah, this site give wrong iformations! but I dont see where is problem that they give 20 free spins on some other slot?! what a hell, just add that 20 free spins and everybody would be happy! strange how they cant react on normal way!
Joined: Feb '23
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Age: 41 (F)
Posts: 430
Definitely the fault lies with the mentioned casino 21casino.com, not the Bankroll. In my opinion, it's very good that you wrote about it because maybe people who want to register there will think twice before creating an account there. I am surprised that they do not want to delete your account at this casino, after all you gave a specific reason, it is their fault, they gave false information. I'm sorry that some sites are unreliable.