Joined: Jan '14
Location: Romania
Age: 45 (M)
Posts: 13856
if they are nicely organized with a normal buy in and quite attractive prizes, it will be something nice because some members will play there and can speak on chat, to learn from each other.
Joined: Feb '23
Location: Poland
Age: 41 (F)
Posts: 430
I think a game like this could be interesting. I think a lot of people would like to play. Maybe Bankrollmob would become more attractive to new people too and more people would like to sign up. Nice idea, I hope we'll see it implemented Such novelties certainly attract attention.
Joined: Dec '14
Location: Greece
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 2371
I like the freerolls that BRM has and schedules some days in the week . I think they are good enough . They also have rebuy or add on options , so if you want to invest money on them , you can do it . A buy in event won't add sth more . A homegame also no , as many cannot play real money games in do.e countries , in many other countries that cannot play at Homegames.