Joined: Jan '22
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Age: 53 (M)
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Many of the top online poker rooms (Poker Stars, Party Poker, 888Poker, etc) have platforms that include throwables that you can toss at other players. These include items such as horseshoes, snowballs, firecrackers, and even handfuls of s**t.
Personally, I hate it. I take poker tournaments seriously—whether I have bought in for $1 or $320–and I certainly don’t appreciate these fucktwats cheapening the game to an elementary sandbox squabble. Now, don’t get me wrong, you can always turn these animations off—and that’s certainly something. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. But, why do these platforms support throwables in the first place? They never existed when I started playing online poker almost three decades ago.
Poker is supposed to be a “gentlemen’s sport”—where even a slow roll is enough to get your ass strangled in the parking lot. Imagine tossing your beer, plate of nachos, or cellphone at your opponent in your neck brick and mortar match. You would be as dead as a cockroach in a luxery hotel. Don’t believe me. Try it—especially against me—and see how that turns out for you.
So—my question is—who likes throwables and why? Or—like me—do you prefer classier sites like Bet365 and High Stakes Poker—where, as it should be—you let the cards do the talking?
Joined: Oct '08
Location: Estonia
Age: 49 (M)
Posts: 462
I dont care actually. I never used those items, i dont care, if somebody uses on me. I think maybe its just entertainment for younger recreational players, who are skilled enough at using those things from smartphone. I still type with 1 finger, so i never have even time to use those, to much hustle. Times are changing - boxingmatch used to be something 2 boxers do after hard work and climbing the ranks. Nowadays you can be influencer and get same match.
Turn off animations or change pokersite, if those things bother you, you can not change it. Dont let it change your game. Good luck
Joined: Jan '12
Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
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I think you have options on more sites to block this throwables. This is now the thing that everboyd have. I don't even have problems when some one use it this on me. It have one fine thing that if you use it corretly you can put the player on tilt haha. Like give him thank you when you hit 2 outers and so on.
Yess, of course! I actively use these throwable things! [8-D. If i lose or if i win... I throw s**t at them and then hit them over the head with champagne! If I'm in a good mood i give them tissues! Jokes aside! In online poker everyone behaves differently precisely because there are no consequences!