Joined: Dec '11
Location: Uruguay
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 1025
Posted by Grisha727: I want to win Mob Draw Winnings at least once
If you have tickets, you have possibilities. People have won with a single ticket, so don't lose hope. Today I won 100 tickets! I don't think I've ever won. From time to time I bought tickets but no luck either. Better to wait for it to arrive by chance, and if it doesn't, no problem. Someday it will be our turn
Joined: Dec '11
Location: Uruguay
Age: 37 (M)
Posts: 1025
Posted by dule-vu: I had 300 tickets two days ago and again didnt won it! Just dont have luck to win and all ticket I got on mob calendar!
At least you once won. There are users who have never won the lottery. I was paying attention and I won once too, in 2018. I don't remember if it was because of some ticket that I had won with the calendar or if I bought tickets (in those years I bought tickets from time to time). Nowadays I don't buy anymore. now what I think. The gift of 1 ticket could be increased for each person's birthday. It seems quite little. but please, never remove the gif of chevy chase haha
Joined: Nov '13
Location: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Age: 39 (M)
Posts: 229
I am unlucky at cracking the code. Before it was updated to 400 or 500 guesses I start from 0 to 750 and i spent about a hour to guess the code and the bankrollmob site was offline for about half an hour and i fall a sleep. Next day the code was cracked and the number comes at 758 . I do had a 100 more guesses and the prize was 50$.