Joined: Jan '12
Location: Slovenia
Age: 33 (M)
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Congratulations. It's very nice when you win the draw, specialy if you get free tickets from calendar and then use it for the draw. I was winning like this two times already. But it's fun i invested twom times 1600 points and didn'g manage to win.
Joined: Feb '23
Location: Poland
Age: 40 (F)
Posts: 395
Congratulations It's nice to win in such a draw. This hasn't happened to me yet. I don't even have lottery tickets lately, somehow I don't find them on the calendar. In January, I received one such birthday ticket, but I didn't win. We'll see what it will be like in the next draws. Congratulations once again and I wish you good luck in your next games.
Joined: Feb '23
Location: Poland
Age: 40 (F)
Posts: 395
Haha, you didn't console me with that But I understand that this is how it is and in my case and in the case of other players it will also be like that, I will never win or I will only win once. So those who win are really lucky, because it is really difficult. I guess I didn't fully realize it. Now I have no doubts that I will get it someday
Joined: Aug '08
Location: Poland
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 852
Congratulations SHEITAN555 for winning the Sunday lottery. It is difficult because so far, despite my long experience, I have never managed to win the lottery... Recently, I don't even have a chance because I don't get a lot of tickets in the drawing. Generally, I've been unlucky lately and I haven't won anything from the calendar... And I see that others have over 10 calendar awards a month...
Whoop Whoop, congratz on winning the mob draw. Instant payout request in the make. You have to be very Lucky tot win this mob draw. That luck was now on your side. Enjoy this moment and have a good investment going on this new bankroll. Make the most of it
Joined: Aug '08
Location: Poland
Age: 41 (M)
Posts: 852
This lottery should have more winners every week... There should simply be more smaller prizes, instead of one $50 prize there could be, for example, five prizes of $10 each... You could do a survey in which the majority would decide... I think that It would be better for everyone if such changes took place... But the administration does not want to change it, unfortunately... What do you think about such a change...?
Joined: May '09
Location: Croatia
Age: 39 (M)
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as I said in other thread, its just too low and there is no point! they want that somebody have enough points for cashout when he win prize on lottery!