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Joined: Aug '07
Location: Malta
Age: 42 (M)
Posts: 8340
I mostly play 2 tables, shorthanded NL. I'm comfortable with that and feel I can keep a look on the game and the players still - and if necessary I can answer emails meanwhile
Joined: Feb '08
Location: Belgium
Age: 65 (M)
Posts: 751
sometimes 2 but most of the time i try to keep it simple and hold it by just 1 table ... with tournements it's different ... than i can play more than 1 ... espacially sit&gos ... than i preferto play at 2 or 3 at the same time
Joined: Oct '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 44 (M)
Posts: 1086
generally 2 NL25-50 SH games and 1/2 SnG/MTT.
Played 10 x NL2 SH the other day for a giggle and my god, how you people do it is beyond me. Surely you can't play a decent game by doing this, its got to be purely math based abc poker? meh, boring.
Joined: Oct '08
Location: Germany
Age: 50 (M)
Posts: 2025
depends on the limit i play. usualy 1-2 tables but on low limit 6-7 tables but then i play only premium hands and position. bad thing on so many tables is i often get bullied out of pot, and some hands i certainly could of won by good play but all in all im driving good that way.
Joined: Dec '08
Location: Germany
Age: 46 (M)
Posts: 522
tried to play 1 holdem cash game and an omaha tournamnet simultaneus.. ohoh not for me yet tooo small tables if they are tiled ( but have to play at a 15" notebook instead of my 19" computer)
Joined: Jan '09
Location: Sweden
Age: 53 (F)
Posts: 21
4 tables is the perfect number for me, one in each corner of the screen! i often like to go lower though, 1-3 can be fun, especially if its a sit and go