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BankrollMob Forum » Titan Poker » From given Bankroll to high rollin

From given Bankroll to high rollin  0   
Dear all
Because of BRM i received a free Bankroll by TItan. I started playin only SNG´s till I build me a bankroll of 300$. I go on playin 0,25$ blinds and after some weeks i doubled up to 600$.
End of history was that i build my bankroll up to 3500$. I lost EVERYTHING in 4 hours by playin 10$ NL Holdem!!! Just Incredible!!!
That was really sick. I better keep on playin with bankrollmanegment, but i doesn´t.
So its really simple to build a bankroll with free pokerbankrolls!!!
Good Luck to all others!
Dont play stupid like me Aww crap!

I can just say... you're not alone Big Smile Can't remember how many times I have started out with a small amount, won a lot, and then lost it all because of bad bankroll management (or played when I shouldn't). But hopefully you've learnt something from this mistake. Better luck next time Agree

Owwwww ur entire BR $3500 lost in 4hours Confused
I think i dont have to say sometin about BRmanagement Tongue
Feel for you mate Sad

hmmmmm 3,5k hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Playing with just 3,5 buy in is an invitation for desaster. There are other ipoker room offers on this site. Take another one and play with better BRM.

Though it wasn't exactly 3.5k, i grinded a free deposit of 20$ to 150$ before discovering I could play Carribean Poker on the site (Party Poker) and losing it all in about half-an-hour Sad

so, i sorta know how yu feel Tongue

That's Confused because I just viewed your profile and see you didn't receive any Titan Poker no deposit bonus Confused anyway building a bankroll from a small amount is easy nut to keep it going with bankrollmanagement to avoid losing everything in a short period of time is complicated.

Simply incredible, you lost 35000$ in only 4 hours. Shock sorry for you, i hope that the next time you will have most lucky! Blink

That's pretty harsh, I know how you feel kinda, I once lost $1k playing NL200 after grinding at NL25 for a few weeks. It hurts real bad.

You will find though, that most people learn from mistakes like these, I certainly did.

GL in the future.

Posted by Calmplay:
That's Confused because I just viewed your profile and see you didn't receive any Titan Poker no deposit bonus Confused

Am I the only one here wondering why it's... maybe I missed something here.

Posted by Calmplay:
Posted by Calmplay:
That's Confused because I just viewed your profile and see you didn't receive any Titan Poker no deposit bonus Confused

Am I the only one here wondering why it's... maybe I missed something here.

if you go in your profile/settings you can decide to show/hide to other people no deposit bonus received;
i received two offers but if you go now in my profile you won't see them (i think)
did u recieve some no deposit bonus? Your profile doesn't show them.

Edited by magatt966 (25 March 2009 @ 14:44 GMT)

Posted by magatt966:
Posted by Calmplay:
Posted by Calmplay:
That's Confused because I just viewed your profile and see you didn't receive any Titan Poker no deposit bonus Confused

Am I the only one here wondering why it's... maybe I missed something here.

if you go in your profile/settings you can decide to show/hide to other people no deposit bonus received;
i received two offers but if you go now in my profile you won't see them (i think)

You changed it, i checked it before you didnt have the Titan No Deposit lol.
Admin can just confirm that Big Smile

When you have a bankroll of 3500$ I don't understand why you don't cashout 2000 3000$ Shock Shock

Everybody know that high limit are full of sharks... and when you play NL 1000 it's when poker is your job and you earn your money with poker ... So you can really play poker for fun and earn a lot of money in NL 100 ...

It's really sad for you but I hope you are going to take a lesson of your mistake and the place that poker would take for you ...

but ... Sorry for you ... You get on tilt ?

Posted by magatt966:
did u recieve some no deposit bonus? Your profile doesn't show them.

No, only one the CD Poker one but this is not from BRM, PRS but claimed it here. Still waiting for the Vulcan one to be back for my first ever... if not thanks for telling me you can show/hide... as I never knew that.

Posted by Noogey:
Everybody know that high limit are full of sharks...

Oh sometimes I see couple of donkeys sitting alongside them too ready to play some cards Big Smile

been there and done that Sad

ouch, guess it takes losing a lot of money to learn somebody a lesson Smile
better luck next time

Don't know if it is true or not.
Supposing were true, it would be simply unbeliveble to win 3.500 $ without doing any withdrawal Tongue Tongue
No, I agree with all they doubt: it's impossible Big Smile

Posted by MANUEDO:
Don't know if it is true or not.
Supposing were true, it would be simply unbeliveble to win 3.500 $ without doing any withdrawal Tongue Tongue
No, I agree with all they doubt: it's impossible Big Smile

I never cashout, i dont need the money from my BR so why unbelievable? Smile

Posted by Noogey:
When you have a bankroll of 3500$ I don't understand why you don't cashout 2000 3000$ Shock Shock

I agree too, I mean when you do nice profit you're always tempted to cash out a percentage of it to reward yourself for the hard work you did, I'm right?

Yes ppl, at some stage you must cash out or only the sites are winning, and you play for nothing (ish)lol.
3.5k oops gl starting again.
Fun 4hrs id bet, no!!

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