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Joined: Jan '08
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Posted by dlkiv: Yes GeneYuss they are an awesome car and very hard to find too. Would love to get one for hubby as a surprise but next to none of them around.
Ya, I bet they cost a lot too. I would like to get one cheap and fix it up
Joined: Apr '09
Location: Malaysia
Age: 48 (M)
Posts: 76
I will vote for porsche, almost all models from porsche is damn nice. The car stylish, engine, and babe (if they have) are all attractive deeply to my mind! I wish i can at least own one porsche in my life.
Joined: Oct '08
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Age: 65 (M)
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Posted by eddielkk: I will vote for porsche, almost all models from porsche is damn nice. The car stylish, engine, and babe (if they have) are all attractive deeply to my mind! I wish i can at least own one porsche in my life.
Joined: Dec '07
Location: Denmark
Age: 41 (M)
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Posted by eddielkk: I will vote for porsche, almost all models from porsche is damn nice. The car stylish, engine, and babe (if they have) are all attractive deeply to my mind! I wish i can at least own one porsche in my life.
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Age: 45 (M)
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Not a big fan of Aston Martin, but have you seen the one 77 Should i withdraw shares, bankroll, sell my house, car and van and go get one. Done, now has anyone got some spare change for petrol
Joined: Dec '08
Location: Germany
Age: 46 (M)
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as the question isnt for "dream car" i say its a BMW 330d touring automatic in monacoblue or a BMW Z4 they are hard to finance to me but possible and maybe some good cards will help getting one of them
Joined: Apr '08
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Age: 36 (M)
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Posted by Jerzy_Kiler: I can see that there are many diffrent opinions. I forgot to put american cars like dodge or chevy to poll, maybe because I don't like them There were many superb cars in the past. My favourite is Mercedes 560 SEC AMG.
Guess whos lucky enough to drive around in one of those this summer . 560 SEC -87 (Not AMG tough)... But still gotta love the sound of its V8 ... jummy
Joined: Dec '07
Location: Denmark
Age: 41 (M)
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Posted by ChoonT: as the question isnt for "dream car" i say its a BMW 330d touring automatic in monacoblue or a BMW Z4 they are hard to finance to me but possible and maybe some good cards will help getting one of them
Yep 330d is super nice, torque like a big block and exceptional fuel economy. With a chip it got numbers like sportscar. Only negative side is that all the power is delivered in a very small rev range that gives short explosive pulls which eats the rear tires like a rubber on sandpaper.
If/when I move from Denmark I will be looking for a 330cd with complete M bodykit.
Joined: Nov '08
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 48 (M)
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Personaly as in cars i have actualy owned my fav is deffo my Toyota Celica Oh boy i loved to drive her Then the kids started to come along and spoil all my fun..., you cant get five kids it to a Celica you know