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Aussie Millions: Stewart Scott becomes the first ever Australian to win

Tags: Aussie Millions, Barny Boatman, Elliot Smith, Peter Rho, Rajkumar Ramakrishnan, Richard Ashby, Sam Capra, Stewart Scott, Zach Gruneberg.
Posted on 27 January 2009 by "T".

Stewart Scott became the first ever Australian to take home the title in Aussie Millions Main Event.For the win he received AUD 2,000,000, around USD 1,300,000. Unfortunately none of the girls that were in the lead of day 2 made it to the final table.

When the main event started Joe Hachem said, "I think it's about time an Aussie took home the title". Stewart Scott really took Hachem's words to his heart as he outlasted 681 players who anted up AUD $10,500 buy-in for Aussie Millions Main Event. The three first days of Aussie Millions Stewart could be found in the middle of the field of remaining players, fighting hard to survive and stay in the tournament. But in the two last days of the tournament he put in the second gear and probably played the best poker in his entire life as he never were afraid to push players all-in in important hands. This type of poker really paid off and suddenly he found himself as chip leader with only 8 players left on the final table.

Chip count as the final table began:

Seat 1 Zach Gruneberg 1,355,000
Seat 2 Barny Boatman 349,000
Seat 3 Elliot Smith 1,120,000
Seat 4 Richard Ashby 658,000
Seat 5 Stewart Scott 4,520,000
Seat 6 Peter Rho 2,420,000
Seat 7 Rajkumar Ramakrishnan 2,050,000
Seat 8 Sam Capra 1,161,000

As the final table begun Stewart Scott continued playing great and one got the feeling that no one could keep up with him this day. Player after player went then out of the tournament and after 12 hours of poker, Stewart Scott and the American Peter Rho were the only ones left fighting for the first prize of AUD 2,000,000.

This is how the final hand was played out:
Stewart Scott is on the button and raise to 250,000.
Peter Rho thinks for a minute and then decides to go all-in.
Stewart Scott instantly calls, flips over ASpade[A]Diamond and shouts "Come on! One time!".
Peter Rho shows AHeartJClub

The flop comes 2Spade 9Diamond 8Heart, no help for Rho as he needs to hit runner runner to stay in the game. Turn comes 4Diamond and its over as Rho has 0% chance to win or split the pot.

Scott jumps in the air, shouting "YESSSSSSSSSSS" and then hugs Rho and shakes his hand. Everyone that watched the game could really see how disappointed Rho was about how he played the hand which gave Scott the win. But AUD 1.000.000 for second place isn't really that bad?

Final table results
1. Stewart Scott - 2,000,000 AUD
2. Peter Rho - 1,000,000 AUD
3. Elliot Smith - 700,000 AUD
4. Rajkumar Ramakrishnan - 400,000 AUD
5. Sam Capra - 300,000 AUD
6. Zach Gruneberg - 210,000 AUD
7. Richard Ashby - 150,000 AUD
8. Barny Boatman - 100,000 AUD


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11 comments on "Aussie Millions: Stewart Scott becomes the first ever Australian to win"

 Miloutre27/01/2009 11:14:39 GMT
Wow! nice win! I'd love to win that kind of money one day..
 shokaku27/01/2009 12:51:00 GMT
Wow. Do they play with more aces in the deck down under. Confused

When Gus Hansen did win two years ago, he ended the tourney with pocket rockets too.
 eaziabi27/01/2009 14:07:06 GMT
ohh ye we love our acessssssssssssss
 guille22xt27/01/2009 14:20:23 GMT
This is old news haha! I alredy knew it...
I wonder what happened to the top 2 girls at the end of the day where 14 players were left.
I was really hoping for one of them to win it!
 DUDEHIGHLAND27/01/2009 15:08:14 GMT
wow what a game they played.
 Calmplay28/01/2009 08:47:44 GMT
It's always nice to win at home, specially when you finish it with Aces Blink
 polevaulter28/01/2009 10:15:58 GMT
Yeah! It would be a good starting bankroll for me. I would start to play heads up with Phil Ivey and Gus Hansen..ehehehe... and take part at Sundy Million every weekend.
 Firework2131/01/2009 16:17:20 GMT
verry nice catch hes a great player and winning whit aces
damn it cant get anybetter you go on the pictures whit aces in youre hand THE WINNING ACES sweet
 Venomly01/02/2009 14:32:41 GMT
I think it would have been sweeter to win whit some small pair, excitement till the end.
 spootbv02/02/2009 23:02:53 GMT
that is nice man i dont have wt to say Big Smile Tongue
 jovoga05/02/2009 03:23:21 GMT
Thats a big money. Very good

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