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HighStakes: Biggest Winners and Losers of 2012

Tags: 2012, ben sulsky, high stakes, losers, pokerstars, tom dwan, viktor blom, winners.
Posted on 03 January 2013 by "T".

It's high time to compile last year's biggest winners and losers on Full Tilt and PokerStars. According to highstakesdb, Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky won an incredible $3,595,666 - about a million dollars more than the Finnish poker pro Jens "Jeans89" Kyllönen in second place.

The biggest loser last year ended up being Gus Hansen from Denmark. Hansen lost a total of $4,297,985 - $3,204,539 at Full Tilt and $1,093,446 at PokerStars. His Full Tilt colleges (The Professionals) didn't do that well either. In total, Viktor "Isildur1" Blom, from Sweden, lost $2,260,889 and Tom "durrr" Dwan, from USA, lost $987,189. 

2012's TOP 5 winners and losers:
1 Ben "Sauce123" Sulsky, $3,595,666
2 Jens "Jeans89" Kyllönen, $2,492,278
3 Andrew "EireAbu" Grimason, $2,176,527
4 Ben "Ben86" Tollerene, $2,136,109
5 Alex "Kanu7" Millar, $1,643,747

1 Gus Hansen, $4,297,985
2 Zypherin, $3,552,742
3 Isildur1, $2,260,889
4 patpatman, $1,791,987
5 PepperoniF, $1,377,402
9 Tom "durrr" Dwan, $987,189

source: highstakesdb

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8 comments on "HighStakes: Biggest Winners and Losers of 2012"

 Bastian260703/01/2013 10:24:34 GMT
Pokerstars paid a lot $$$$$ for Fulltilt....where you think they take it from ??????
For sure from Players.......
 pochui03/01/2013 12:19:29 GMT
just wonder how many such "incredible" years can Gus bankroll withstand...
@Bastian2607- yeah stars is always the winner in the end- no matter who is winning money or losing it on the felts, stars are always on the winning side off the felts. that's life- they own the system, meanwhile players are just part of that system
 Fakiry03/01/2013 15:52:20 GMT
This list confirms a tendency: when someone loses, always lose more than win. And looking at the value Gus Hansen lost, one can see it passes way above the value Ben Sulsky won. At a first thought, one could say the will to try to recover from the losses made G.Hansen lose even more, that’s why the value is so high, but I think this “rule” only applies to amateurs. G.Hansen will have to wait to see if the number 13 of this year brings him luck…
 thefly13103/01/2013 18:10:11 GMT
Well let s hope next year to have some BRM in the list of the winners.....

I wouldn't mind to be in the winners list ... I would even consider to spend some money here on the members that are regurlarly on the forum here.

WHen only dreams could come true
 Terroreffekt04/01/2013 12:06:29 GMT
Unbelievable how much money you can win at poker, but here we see again how much money you have to invest.
I also hope to someday be able to finance a small monthly income also by poker
 Fakiry04/01/2013 16:21:57 GMT
Posted by thefly131:
Well let s hope next year to have some BRM in the list of the winners.....
I wouldn't mind to be in the winners list ... I would even consider to spend some money here on the members that are regurlarly on the forum here.
WHen only dreams could come true

Now this is what I call a very good wish, giving a hope to all of those around here who plays higher amounts and even for those, like me, who play lower but sometimes like to give a shot on a satellite trying to reach a bigger event. One never knows what can happen, and there’s nothing wrong in dreaming and keep trying to reach a position like that. Be happy, be patient at the tables and be secure that you will finish well!
 pinku13504/01/2013 17:25:08 GMT
Good day everyone Smile
A Very good year for a few and bad for a few !!

That's the irony when winner cannot rise without a loser !! a good list but the players i thought who would make in a profitable list are on the wrong side especially dwan and hansen !! i had a regard that they play really good !! but they were outclassed by players who were more good than themselves Smile

Good luck at the tables Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
 nossas06/01/2013 12:59:56 GMT
impressive statistics

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