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High Stakes: "Isildur1" Wins $1.4m!

Tags: full tilt poker, high stakes, poker pro, sweden, viktor blom.
Posted on 29 July 2013 by "T".

After a couple of not-so-successful sessions in the past 1,5 week or so, Viktor "Isildur1" Blom was back on track yesterday and booked a massive profit at Full Tilt Poker's nosebleed tables. He started the day by taking $150k from Isaac Haxton at the $500/$1000 CAP NLHE tables, then he won about $500,000 (in about 4 hours) playing Triple Draw and FLO8 against Kyle "KPR16" Ray, Phil "Polarazing" Ivey, Gus Hansen and Patrik Antonius.

When Viktor Blom was up over $1,000,000 for the day, he decided to play more heads-up against Isaac Haxton. The match lasted almost six hours and Blom managed to take another $160,00 from the American poker pro. While the match against Haxton was running, Blom also played FLO8 against "KPR16" and "samrostan". This match lasted for 3,5 hours and Blom was up close to $300 for some time. However, he only won $24k at the end of it all.

Blom finished the already successfull day with a $70k win against SallWoo at the $2k/$4k FLO8 tables. He called it a day when he was up an incredible $1.4 million! In total, he won $1.23 million on Sunday - about $1 million more than the second biggest winner of the day: bajskorven87 (also from Sweden).


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24 comments on "High Stakes: "Isildur1" Wins $1.4m!"

 shokaku29/07/2013 13:22:45 GMT
Not bad. Still no longer the enormous swings of his first time at the old Full Tilt, where a few millions could be won or lost in a day, but still a huge amount of money.
 teddybears7329/07/2013 19:57:56 GMT
no that's a surprise,who'd have believed it eh. Smile
what's next" Isuldur" loses 500k or maybe even 600k ? it's always the same with him up down ,up down,wish it was me though. Big Smile
 BubbleGumTrb29/07/2013 23:45:27 GMT
Good for him! I also kinda got used to news like this about him winning or losing around that figure, but he's mostly winning so that's a good thing for him. I can't help thinking about how many fulltilt points he gets for playing on that scale, but I don't think he cares about that lol. Smile
 fcumred30/07/2013 00:12:33 GMT
What is really sickening is I will not earn this much in my entire life, and he wins it in one poker grinding session.

I'll be working till I'm 70 just to have enough in the bank to cover the blinds..
 pochui30/07/2013 08:21:25 GMT
i think that only real bad habit blom has is that he doesn't stop when he is up over a million mark...that happens quite a few times on a year basis for him, but eventually he blows everything and end up in the it's totally different if he stops with a million profit and also ends up in the district that is... Big Smile
 thefly13130/07/2013 09:41:24 GMT
Posted by fcumred:
What is really sickening is I will not earn this much in my entire life, and he wins it in one poker grinding session.

I'll be working till I'm 70 just to have enough in the bank to cover the blinds..

That s the problem of the working class people...


because the working class has to pay for everything : managers, stockholders, governments, rescue of banks, saving other countries in the European union , etc

and all this is payed by the working class

Let s hope we can increase our poker skills so we can get pro-status there and get out of the working class

 shokaku30/07/2013 11:11:21 GMT
Yep. Everyone still with a regular job gets bled dry on taxes and fees, so that the parasites on both ends of the spectrum can get their "fair share". Evil
 Sorin88830/07/2013 13:09:45 GMT
Blom banked $1,226,796 over the course of 4,342 hands to take his total earnings to $3,862,203.
At the other end of the profit spectrum, Gus Hansen emerged as yesterday's biggest loser with a deficit of $317,452.
That figure was enough to put him ahead of both Phil Ivey (-$309,454) and Kyle "KPR16" Ray (-$295,548) on the daily loss chart.
 infinitypl30/07/2013 13:39:57 GMT
Ehm there is something strange in this player :/ He looks like He know more than He should Blink anyway run with this kind of ammount is great.
I remember one time when He loose around 1 mln in 1 hour ... and next day He won 2 mln ...
 shokaku30/07/2013 13:41:26 GMT
The good old Gus. But he will bounce back, as he always does.

Is this the real Phil Ivey playing there? I thought he and the company parted ways on bad terms. Confused
 Macubaas30/07/2013 19:37:42 GMT
It's a sick win considering he made those cash in a day, probably most of us will make it in a lifetime lol

The bad part is that we are talking about Viktor, you never know if he will lose even more the next days...
 Phisix30/07/2013 20:40:26 GMT
Posted by fcumred:
What is really sickening is I will not earn this much in my entire life, and he wins it in one poker grinding session

I'll be working till I'm 70 just to have enough in the bank to cover the blinds..

Remember he is playing high stakes though while the rest of us are micro or low. If you ever get your bank roll up to high stakes and your good enough maybe one day you can win as much.

 Sorin88802/08/2013 15:58:36 GMT
In the high stake level ups and downs are high as 300k.Like in the last 24 hours:
samrostan" emerged as the biggest winner in the last 24 hours thanks to a $223,329 haul.
However, despite his six-figure profit, the online grinder is still down by more than $2,500,000 this year.
Indeed, at present only Gus Hansen (-$3,777,030) has lost more than "samrostan" in 2013.
Continuing the focus on Gus (pictured right), the Danish pro slumped to another online defeat last night.
Over the course of 327 hands the Dane found himself atop of the loss leaderboard with a deficit of $338,991.
 Macubaas02/08/2013 20:10:41 GMT
From what i saw on the latest news from bankrollmob he already lost 400k to just one player...

Still we are talking about Viktor here, i mean after a long session he might be couple of millions up again lol
 mies73002/08/2013 20:24:06 GMT
Been watchimg him 2 days ago for an hour or so on a HU table. The way he plays is mad.... almost any 2 will do, besides that he just seemed very lucky. He gave his oponent a string bad beats and the guy lost 300K ( on a 30k cap table). I dont think online poker is rigged , but what I saw there was the face of Full Tilt, winning in a way that looked as that he sought out the cards before the game. Pretty sick preflop calls for 30K, like 9 2 clubs. No wonder that his money flows are so big ...
 Greenmohave02/08/2013 20:51:25 GMT
This guy is the luckiest on-line player I read about. About the time you think he's down and not going to be so lucky as to come back as he always does all of a sudden he does it again. He goes up and down in the millions like I do with $20 playing on-line poker. Unreal!
 teddybears7302/08/2013 22:09:03 GMT
i wonder if, either tonight or tomorrow we'll hear the "isuldir" wins $400k or something.
it seems that every couple of days he either wins or loses huge amounts,you would think that after a really big win,then he would have a rest for a day or two.
 Bansai9203/08/2013 16:59:16 GMT
He knows the game so well that he can easly win every hand . He is a pro player in the real sense of the word . Good for him . If he dont lose his mind for those winnings i think he can achieve a lot of cash !
Have a good day sorry for my bad english
 Phisix03/08/2013 20:04:29 GMT
His luck will run out one day and he will be bankrupt playing that way. Until that happens he best enjoy the money he makes.
 Macubaas03/08/2013 20:37:01 GMT
I think in an interview couple of years ago he stated that he has enough money to live the way he wants.

The money that you see him playing i guess means nothing to him, i mean you definately need to detach from the value of money to be able to play like that.
 Phisix03/08/2013 22:07:05 GMT
He has a trust fund then. Alright for some people.
 Cliffem06/08/2013 13:33:45 GMT
Anddd it's gone.
 kilak12/10/2013 22:51:07 GMT
How much did you win today kilak " I grinded out $30,
How about you Isildur1 " Only a million or so kilak I got bored at 1.1 million and called it a day you know how it goes" lol
 doubletop77725/11/2013 16:44:12 GMT
Another great score for the phenom that is Victor Blom. Gus Hansen seem to be losing a lot of money lately and it seems he is not the player he was or the other players are just getting better and better

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