BankrollMob Poker News


Christmas Calendar 2014: Lottery Winners

Tags: christmas, lottery, xmas.
Posted on 30 December 2014 by "K".

This year we continued the Lottery tradition from last year, where you could win MobPoints, MobDraw tickets and MobSafe shots. The way to get tickets to the lottery, would be if you won a prize in the Christmas Calendar that you were unable to use, for one reason or another.

Example: If you won a freeroll entry worth $15 you would get 15 tickets for the lottery if you decided to claim lottery tickets, instead of the actual prize. 

The lottery in 2014 had the following prizes available:

  • 2 x 4,000 MobPoints
  • 3 x 3,000 MobPoints
  • 5 x 2,000 MobPoints
  • 15 x 500 MobDraw tickets
  • 10 x 100 MobSafe "shots"
  • 15 x 50 MobSafe "shots"

And today we ran the "randomizer" and found the winners to the prizes above. Basically, the more tickets you had, the bigger chances of winning.

We asked the "randomizer" to draw 50 winning tickets randomly. Once a ticket had been drawn, it could no longer be drawn. So, for example, if you had 15 tickets and one of your tickets was drawn as a winner for one prize, then you would still have have 14 tickets left and the possiblity to win another prize, for the remaining draws, until all prizes had been drawn.

The Mob members below won one or multiple prizes in the lottery this year (in alphabetical order):

  • 3pokeronly
  • 41ig30
  • akcyv25
  • aluzja
  • benzii
  • bigsid6004
  • Birmin
  • bonchic
  • Daisydyke
  • dimonboy
  • doubletop777
  • Elena777
  • evercalm
  • everlyb
  • Fakiry
  • Infinity7
  • ionut61
  • JorAxe
  • Julianno
  • kokoc778
  • Kristall2000
  • lefern123
  • MarcWinz
  • nevvermind
  • OAPurus
  • OneBourbon
  • OrthodoX
  • perni
  • RLJGiezen
  • roeish3
  • rostuslav201
  • sabre0069
  • seadevil80
  • spasko12345
  • supreme238
  • Thawijn
  • Thorax
  • titchuk20
  • trafalga
  • turfagent
  • vatrogasac77
  • word12
  • zsiz88

Congratulations!! The prizes are already in your Mob accounts, ready to use!

If in doubt regarding what you won, go to the Mob Points page in your Mob account and click on the "Transactions" tab (Note: "MobSafe shots" will only show up at the Mob Safe game, not in Transactions-list). If you won MobDraw tickets, those tickets would be for the draw on Sunday (already added to the pool, you don't have to do anything). MobPoints are added to your account and MobSafe shots as well, so use those whenever you feel like it.

Regarding the freeroll for those who opened 100+ doors in the Christmas Calendar - we will announce this later in the News section and on the Mob Games page for those who qualified. We expect it to be played late January and to open registration (through BRM on the Mob Games-page) mid-January.

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37 comments on "Christmas Calendar 2014: Lottery Winners"

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» Christmas Calendar 2014: Lottery Winners

 pinotte30/12/2014 23:21:06 GMT
I just congrats the winners of the draw. I had only 25 tickets and did not win however the calendar gave me 4 X 200 mob points, $500.00 party poker freeroll, 2 X $1.00 on party poker so i just cant complaint i am happy with what i won this year. Thanks BRM. Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
 geanyboy1431/12/2014 02:03:44 GMT
haha secret draw and secret winners ,i had 152 tickets no prizes haha ,some mobsters are permanent winners,with considerable prizes,but never mind,we dont paid nothing for this draw,, for the future for brm,,,be more transparent ,, not like this ,you have 152 tickets ,but you dont see them in any account,for a lottery draw ,but you dont see that loterry,because that lottery draw is on 29 dec,or 30dec or something,but is not posted on mob games ,i hope that 100 doors freeroll to be at at 00h ,gl everyone ,congrats the winners and a happy new years Aww crap! Aww crap! Aww crap! Worship Worship and if you dont want that 100 oppened doors ticket you can change with some tickets for a secret lottery hahahaha what a joke ,good one Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Dollar Dollar Smile
 Martinka5631/12/2014 07:51:23 GMT
|xactly.... I had 80 tickets and nothing.... very disapointed... this christmas calendar didnt give me anything... I got a lot of mob drow ticket.|

 damosk31/12/2014 10:10:52 GMT
For all the non winners my dear,
for all the non winners!
We'll take it on the chin again,
And look forward to next year!

For all the non winners my dear
For all the non winners
We should rejoice at least some mobsters won
And give them all a cheer!

For all the non winners my dear,
For all the non winners!
Be gracious in your own defeat
And look forward to next year!
 Fakiry31/12/2014 10:58:03 GMT
Ending the year with such great news as being part of a list of winners is defenetely something awesome! I am thankful for BRM to exist and keep giving all of us so many oportunities to feel happier! For those who didn't win this time, keep the expectation of better results in 2015, because that is what makes the world move! Let's say goodbye to 2014 with a big hug and receive 2015 with our largest smiles!
 pochui31/12/2014 11:26:56 GMT
Posted by bowie1984:
At least pochui won, this feels great...
Oh, wait... Big Smile

Dear mobbit bowie... FU (no this doesn't mean Follow-Up)

see you in the easter home game
 StS531/12/2014 12:57:21 GMT
Oooh nooo, unfortunately my name is not on the list. I have had quite some tickets for the Christmas Calendar Lottery and I really thought I might have a good chance of winning at least something. But again I am having no luck at all.
 nipitiri301/01/2015 10:00:54 GMT
well 200 tickets and nada also nothing with 500 mob draw tickets ...... soo yah !
 bullettooth101/01/2015 11:10:58 GMT
Moan, moan fooking moan!
That's all some people do! Just be happy that BRM gave you the opportunity to win something for nothing.
Congrats to all the winners! And thanks to all at BRM for giving us all the opportunity to win all this FREE stuff.
Hope you all have a happy and prosperous new year!
 StS501/01/2015 13:29:00 GMT
I did not win in this draw unfortunately, but I really want to win something in the special tournament for those, who have opened more than 100 doors. I have opened all 120 doors of the calender, so I should be able to play in it.

Does anyone know when and where it will take place??
 zemuogynas101/01/2015 15:54:18 GMT
i have open 118 doors Big Smile
 crankmuppet01/01/2015 17:07:24 GMT
Posted by bullettooth1:
Moan, moan fooking moan!
That's all some people do! Just be happy that BRM gave you the opportunity to win something for nothing.
Congrats to all the winners! And thanks to all at BRM for giving us all the opportunity to win all this FREE stuff.
Hope you all have a happy and prosperous new year!

Well said. Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

My tickets were duds also, but I would like to thank BankrollMob and their sponsors for all the prizes I did win in the calendar and the ability to convert the prizes I didn't want into these draw tickets.

All for free!

Posted by pochui:

FU all

oh and happy new year

Happy New Year all and, pochui rocks. Worship Worship
 klash2301/01/2015 20:40:10 GMT
Congratulations to all the winners this year. Smile
Not many names I recognize from the list but a couple of forum regs.I only had a few tickets and no luck for me this year so roll on Christmas 2015. Smile

New calender for the year today so don't forget to keep clicking them doors. Smile Smile
 41ig3001/01/2015 20:57:41 GMT
Posted by Pygmalion69:
The draw should be more transparent.
Make it random is a lie that does not believe anyone, always win them.
It is useless to continue participating in promotions to be constantly away the prizes.

my friend, this is the first time i win something here so i dont think that the same people win Blink

Posted by pochui:

FU all

oh and happy new year

U MAD BRAH?? Smile) Tongue
 av196601/01/2015 21:39:27 GMT
Congrats to the winners Worship Worship

It´s a draw so pure luck involved don´t start building theories of conspiracy Evil Evil

It was a good choice trde some of the prizes for tickets to the draw Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

In my case I have won several tickets to the $500 party poker freeroll only can use one so no lost on taking a shot at the draw

No win Aww crap! Aww crap! maybe I´ll get better luck next time
 Alexutzu212602/01/2015 06:33:27 GMT
guys it has been an wonderful year and would like to say thanks to the BRM for all the prizes and freerolls .....and for this year let's hope for more and bigger prizes
 holzkopf1302/01/2015 13:54:54 GMT
no win for me, but ill get my chance next time.
 roeish302/01/2015 19:02:27 GMT
Hey! just won 3000 points! couldn't use any of the promotions I got on the calander because of my nationality so replaced it with draw tickets. Nice way to kickoff 2015

Congratulation to all the winners and good luck to everybody at the tables this year
 leno102/01/2015 20:14:32 GMT
Posted by roeish3:
Hey! just won 3000 points! couldn't use any of the promotions I got on the calander because of my nationality so replaced it with draw tickets. Nice way to kickoff 2015

Congratulation to all the winners and good luck to everybody at the tables this year

Wow man 3000 Mob points - that is what I call a big win. These are mor points (nearly double) than I have in total. How many tickets did you have in the draw? I have had 45 tickets and have got nothing out of it at all.
 juxtox02/01/2015 21:17:24 GMT
i got nothing la la la...thats is only i read here... what a wnderfull f***ing promotion Aww crap!
 roeish303/01/2015 21:41:15 GMT
@leno1 - I don't exactly remember how many tickets I had but I think it was around 65 tickets. Have crcked the safe once before, so it's not my biggest win but it sure is nice.
 holzkopf1306/01/2015 23:39:19 GMT
the same as usally other ones will win and feeling good
 leosam1807/01/2015 10:39:45 GMT
When is 500 tourney for party poker ?
 bloem66307/01/2015 12:08:43 GMT
I see it is active at Partypoker, 11 jan.
 toughman4617/01/2015 09:58:04 GMT
I never win anything good, but I figure one day my luck will change so I am not worried about it, but well done to those that has won something. I was hoping that the freeroll would of been different place then Duck Poker, I had an issue with that site and was not to happy that I would have to play there again. I have been playing poker over 30 years, mostly home games not computer, I have seen a lot that goes on and can usually spot something unusal and that's why I brought it to the attention of Duck Poker, but I wasn't happy how they handled it nor the outcome. I am kind of guy that excepts losing a game when it comes to playing on computer because anything can happen, a lot of bad beats but it comes with playing on computer, which you wouldn't see that much playing home games in the comfort of your own home. but like I said something suspicious happened on that site that actually I didn't like the response back, and I would never put down a site unless I felt I have good reason too, and I didn't like what I seen that I actually deleted the site because of their response. I am not telling anyone they shouldn't play on that site, I just felt uncomfortable playing after the incident.but good luck to all anyways.

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