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Chris Moneymaker wins 2 New Jersey SCOOP Titles

Tags: Chris Moneymaker, New Jersey.
Posted on 02 May 2018 by "T".

Many poker players and fans alike know that it was thanks to American poker player Chris Moneymaker's historic win in the WSOP Main Event in 2003 that sparked the poker boom of the mid-noughties after he won $2.5 million from a humble $40 satellite qualifier at an online poker site.

This past Saturday, April 28, PokerStars pro Chris Moneymaker made headlines once again as he not only took one but two New Jersey SCOOP titles!

Even if it is not as huge as its worldwide SCOOP sister (which has $65 million in guaranteed prizepools up for grabs), the PokerStars New Jersey Spring Championship of Online Poker (NJSCOOP) at least this time held its biggest-ever series by far in its history with $1.3 million in guaranteed prizepools throughout the 2-week long event.

Regarding his online participation during the series, Chris told Pokernews, "I always try to get online during these festivals. On Friday I actually just sat down and played $0.01/0.02 No-Limit Hold'em for a bit, then a bit of $0.05/0.10 Pot-Limit Omaha. I played a few Spin & Go's. It just meant I was able to splash around a bit and get to play with a few different people."

At the NJSCOOP tables, he said, "Over the first couple of days I bubbled a few tournaments but then on Saturday I played three tournaments and won two of them! The Main Event didn't go as planned, but overall I can't complain."

Actually, his lucky streak lasted for four consecutive tournaments. After he won Events #33 and #34, he then became the runner-up on Event #35, and he made fourth place on Event #36, turning his $650 buy-ins into more than $12,600!

The results from Chris Moneymaker's dedication and hard work as shown below. He said it's been a "busy week" for him at this weekend's PokerStars NJSCOOP.





#33-H $200 NLHE Final Weekend Kickoff



#34-H $200 Stud Hi/Lo



#35-H $50+R NLHE 3-Max



#36-H $200 Mixed NLHE/PLO, Progressive KO

$1,113.86 + $947.44 in bounties

Even if NJSCOOP is still considered a small fry, starting May 1, there will be good things to come for the future thanks to the shared playerpool liquidity deal between New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada, and people can expect to have a genuinely substantial online poker series coming soon on the stateside.

About the possibility of New York allowing regulated online poker, Chris said, "New York is really close; if we picked up New York then I think it'll only be a matter of time. I can definitely see it going back to before when we could play with the international markets. It's kind of slow moving, but it's all positive and moving in the right direction. I think interstate liquidity is a really good thing. Once we get Pennsylvania, which should be by the end of the year or the beginning of 2019 then that's a really big thing momentum-wise."

The 42-year-old Chris will then spend more than a week at home and then will travel to Canada to play SCOOP come mid-May.


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12 comments on "Chris Moneymaker wins 2 New Jersey SCOOP Titles"

 godoy02/05/2018 12:05:47 GMT
a legend of poker that begins with many dream to start and with a little made a lot and then became a living lemda that anyone can win the sport called poker and then achieve a regularity envied by many more achieved by a few
 CALICUL02/05/2018 16:30:15 GMT
Chris Moneymaker is a very good player and he knows poker very well. To win two tournaments out of 3 is something very beautiful. He was an accountant and those who do well with mathematics can be a very good poker player, if he learns about this game. Very nice performance for record.
 pajalnick02/05/2018 19:40:39 GMT
I already began to forget the player with this name ... it's very rare about him now in the news ..... although this is certainly a legendary player .... Chris Moneymaker name that reminds me of my youth .... nice to see him again and I hope that after this we will hear about him more than once
 Tony_MON7ANA02/05/2018 21:48:23 GMT
Congrats, Chris Moneymaker!
Chris Moneymaker was just a 27-year-old accountant from Nashville when he won the 2003 World Series of Poker main event. The moment of his triumph totally changed the poker landscape forever.
 doubletop77703/05/2018 06:42:35 GMT
What a great story and it is fantastic to read about Chris Moneymaker winning poker tournaments yet again. His name will go down in poker history and well done again to him
 dule-vu03/05/2018 09:54:04 GMT
I am glad that godoy made some new thread and maybe now he will stop to write in old thread,such as from 2011. and others!
its nice to read some news adn winnings for such a poker legend!maybe this are not big amount for him,but its always nice to be first!
 godoy03/05/2018 15:03:21 GMT
to stay in 2 mummy this is not so frustrating because there is the money involved that is a differential plus the question and not be able to take the trophy and agloria to have stayed in 1 place since the money already should have been made a more and simpler more
 Gerimantas04/05/2018 10:39:24 GMT
Yes of course i know about chris moneymaker and this time again he make some money, really anmoney maker😝 of course to win two tournaments from three that you play is fantastic results, so big congratulations to him
 Mober04/05/2018 15:57:41 GMT
What to say about some players and their achievements.
From a 40 USD ticket he ended up getting, 2.5 millions Smile
Many have even dreamed of putting in more than that, ending with such a
prize, but... where such luck.
 godoy04/05/2018 17:48:07 GMT
today I see that without luck they are going to rent a mem certain ta that after having made good money he must have invested in perfection more counted with great luck for what I am seeing as a ruma
 pochui05/05/2018 17:25:40 GMT
yeah are we talking about a legend or what? to be able to record a 2.5 millions win form a measly 40 dollaros satellite is one of a kind achievement I have to admit. great to hear that he still has something left in the tank.
 godoy05/05/2018 20:02:38 GMT
one day I watched a card game where I was a guy called moneymaker and from this day I never stopped playing poker because I saw that in poker can change a life and we all have the chancer some more and less less than the ones that started now have achance of becoming a CRIS MONEYMAKER of life

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