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888poker Celebrates 100K YouTube Subscribers with $5K Freeroll

Tags: 888poker, youtube.
Posted on 02 February 2023 by "T".

888poker has hit 100K YouTube subscribers - and they're celebrating it with a special $5,000 Freeroll!

888poker would like to thank all of their valued players for making this happen! The poker room hit 100,000 YouTube subscribers.

To celebrate this monumental occasion, they are inviting everyone to an exclusive $5,000 freeroll. Just check out their YouTube channel for the password. They also have other exciting events planned to make this even more of a celebration!

YouTube 100K Subscribers Celebration - $5K Freeroll
Date: February 4, 2023 (Saturday) at 20:30 GMT
Prize Pool: $5,000 GTD

Make sure you're SUBSCRIBED and have notifications turned on to get the password once they release it on their community page. Also, make sure to check out BankrollMob's weekly poker freerolls here.

Start your poker journey with an 888poker Welcome Bonus!



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49 comments on "888poker Celebrates 100K YouTube Subscribers with $5K Freeroll"

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» 888poker Celebrates 100K YouTube Subscribers with $5K Freeroll

 CALICUL14/02/2023 22:35:11 GMT
is nice here, of course. You don't use the name Geseco there ?
 tijmentjuh15/02/2023 12:54:21 GMT
I hope soon players form the Netherlands get accepted also Smile Can't wait for it
 CALICUL15/02/2023 12:59:28 GMT
Posted by tijmentjuh:
I hope soon players form the Netherlands get accepted also Smile Can't wait for it

Good luck. Big Smile
 TheAudiogod15/02/2023 16:01:37 GMT
I don't mind the 888 poker platform, it is pretty heavy on the computer usage but the play is pretty good
 dule-vu15/02/2023 16:05:03 GMT
But lot of players dont like it!
 tomex1116/02/2023 08:03:42 GMT
It used to be a time of a lot of poker rooms for all players from every country in the world, a lot of promotions, freerolls, etc. And now, because of these government restrictions and the introduction of a new law, players still have uphill. It's nice of them that they made a freeroll for 5000 usd. Someone will definitely benefit.
 dule-vu16/02/2023 08:10:19 GMT
it was just one tournament with this kind of prize and they will not give something like that, only if they will celebrate again something! but from all this post and all stories, we didnt got a single word from geseco, what did he won on that freeroll? he just write how he got prize, but not a single word about amount, what was first prize, on what position did he finished and so on!
 geseco1221/02/2023 05:08:54 GMT
I hope 888poker can continue to make big tournaments like this, I always appreciate the effort 888poker makes to give the best of itself so that its users are happy and feel that the room supports them in their growth as a player.
 dule-vu21/02/2023 06:11:29 GMT
well this is only freerolls, try to invest own money and to play something, not just to wait for bigger freerolls like this! you had of first page in some post that you got some prize? I asked you in few posts what did you got, on what position did you finished? what was first prize and how many players was on it!
 geseco1223/02/2023 18:06:19 GMT
I play freerolls and I also play tournaments up to 10 dollar entries, when there are big tournaments like these you have to play, maybe you can get big prizes, you must always look for ways to monetize and grow.
 CALICUL23/02/2023 18:09:10 GMT
I play freerolls in 888 quite often and i play a little poker for real money, because here every day i bet one ticket or more at fotbal. It's a good place, but with the poker it kind of disappointed me...
 geseco1224/02/2023 21:11:13 GMT
when you have bad days in poker games you should always take a break to study and correct mistakes, also it is always good to try other things like sports betting, but you must also keep in mind that you must be very responsible in it and study hard so that your decisions when betting is correct.
 dule-vu24/02/2023 21:12:48 GMT
Every player have bad days!
 geseco1225/02/2023 22:33:21 GMT
That's right, we all have bad days, the important thing is to know how to deal with it, everyone has their own method, for me I always like to take a break and study my session, correct some things and start again.
 CALICUL25/02/2023 22:50:02 GMT
today i played a few games in 888 and i was only lucky in two freeroll tournaments. I won 6 dollars and about 50 cents, but i did not recover my investment of almost 20 dollars lost on buy-in games.
 geseco1227/02/2023 00:45:05 GMT
It is very normal to have negative sessions in poker, the most important thing is always to give your best, the results are always in the long term, poker is a very fun game, you are always learning and correcting things, every day you learn something new.
 dule-vu27/02/2023 00:45:36 GMT
Its about freeroll, not bad days...
 geseco1228/02/2023 04:41:34 GMT
888poker has always made many freerolls for the community, I am not surprised by this, I hope they continue like this, the whole community appreciates that the room takes interest to help many players who are just starting in this.
 CALICUL28/02/2023 05:56:02 GMT
it has too many free games and i don't understand why. They should have less freerolls and collect the amounts of money there. For example, in free tournaments of 50, 100, 200, 300 or 500 dollars to make one and put 1.150 dollars to the final prize. This is to keep the players less busy and to play more for real money.

 geseco1201/03/2023 05:20:46 GMT
freerolls will always exist for players who are just starting to play poker, the amounts to be distributed will always be interesting with a lot of players, we will learn a lot from it, the important thing is that more players enter and that the community is always growing for the benefit of all.
 dule-vu01/03/2023 05:42:23 GMT
so what did you won from this freeroll? I asked you several times after your posts that you got prize, but ofcourse you didnt anwsered anything! on what position did you finshed and what prize did you got? what was first prize and how everything was on this freeroll?
I see that you play this freerolls!
 geseco1203/03/2023 02:36:54 GMT
I have won many prizes with freerolls, now I have bankroll to play tournaments up to 10 dollars entry, but I always do not leave the freerolls, I like to play them and I always remember my beginnings in poker.
 CALICUL03/03/2023 05:31:06 GMT
they are nice games, but freerool games are also needed to keep the players who will win free money on interesting gifts. Something like this is needed because the poker room and the players also win a good or smaller bankroll.
 tomex1103/03/2023 07:39:47 GMT
I'd love to play some cool freerolls too. It's a pity that now there are so few of them and there are very low pots with a lot of players, and for my country there are none at all. All I have left is poker stars, but there are mostly satellite freerolls to bigger tournaments with thousands of people playing and few prizes.
 dule-vu03/03/2023 07:47:33 GMT
nobody ask you geseco what did you win on freerolls in past! you say on first page:
It was a great tournament, I've been lucky enough to win prizes, that's why I like 888poker so much because they are always doing free tournaments for the poker community, and I'm sure there will be many more to come.
so you talk about this freeroll!
but as said before, same as for your "brother", you just spam to get 50 points per day and you dont know what you write! just spams!

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